Saturday, July 5, 2014

Ava 19 months

I don't know when you stop referring to your child as however many months, but I am guessing I can until she is 2 years old.  Ava is such a stinker.  I just love her spunk, but sometimes when I am around other parents who have children around the same age as her, I feel like I have a child out of control.  She doesn't stop.  Doesn't.  DOES. NOT. STOP.  EVER!!!  She is busy, busy, busy! 

At the fourth of July parade, our friends children were being well behaved, sitting on the blanket or chairs, while Ava was climbing every ones chair, running circles around the cars that were parked, sliding downhill to the railroad tracks, running half way down the road in the blink of an eye (literally).  When we say she is non stop, a hundred miles a minute we honestly and truly mean it.  She is a work out, why I am still carrying around sooo much baby weight I'll never know because you would think running after her all day would do the trick.  But Nope! 

Ava is still into looking through books, blowing bubbles, playing in water, loving every second outside, dancing and twirling, running as fast as she can, climbing on  everything, running circles around the house, throwing fits when things don't go according to her plan, not eating her food (but hey...that lint on the floor looks good enough to eat).  I swear, if we just put her food on the floor she would be more likely to eat it.  I just can't get myself to justify any possible reason that would be ok.


She is still a wonderful sleeper.  Thank you Jesus!  He knew we needed our sleep so He gave us a good sleeper (and I must say, her sister isn't too far behind her now!!!)  Anyway, she sleeps now once during the day (for like 3 hours!!!!) and then goes down for bed between 8-8:30.  She LOVES her bed and always has.  I am so thankful for the  peace we have when it comes to putting her down to sleep.  She doesn't mind it one bit! 

When Ava does eat, which is really few and far between, she will eat pretty much any fruit you give her, it's a hit or a miss when it comes to meat, and veggies...that's not even a hit or miss, it always a miss!  I give her pouches which are best given to her when we are out somewhere.  She doesn't like eating those home most days and we also give her V8 splash with vegetable and fruit servings to make up for the lack of veggies she eats at lunch and dinner.  She drinks white milk but only with ovaltine mixed in.  She no longer likes eating her yogurt in the morning, even if I let her use a spoon with it and do it herself she still doesn't really want it.  She does have a sweet tooth...I wish for her sake she didn't.  We don't offer her too many sweet things besides fruit.  Every once in a while she can have a dessert, like frozen yogurt or if I make brownies, but really we try very hard to not give her those.  Plus with her milk, she is getting enough of that.  Thankfully, the Ovaltine has lots of vitamins! 

She got to go to her first parade...she liked it, but like I said earlier, she was crazy!!!! She also got to watch fireworks, and like I thought, she loved them!  Even her little sis was into them.  At the pool, she is FEARLESS.  She was going under the buckets with her cousins, letting them take her under the mushroom and not caring one bit of the water that was creaming her in the face.  I love her fearlessness. 

She is something else!  I love her so much!  She just loves life and I love that about her.  It's reigning her in sometimes that is hard.  But with prayer and consistency I know we can do this! 

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