Saturday, April 6, 2013

Ava 4 Months old!!!!

Ava is 4 Months old!!!!
I can't believe Ava is 4 months old.  I think I say that every month...I almost say it every day.  She is growing so fast and I love watching her grow, but oh, how I wish she would slow down a little!  However, I do want her to be growing and developing like she is suppose to be.  I can really tell a difference in this picture from her 2 months picture.  She is getting bigger than her bear now...
Ava is such a happy, giggly baby.  She laughs and smiles throughout each day.  She smiles first thing in the morning as soon as she sees my face to get her out of the crib.  She smiles at me at night when I go to put the pacy back in her mouth when just seconds before she was fussing because she wanted her pacy.  And then she just smiles in between those times!  I know I am her mommy but I just love that smile and it warms my heart to see it...and to see it so often. 
She is such an active child.  She is such a squirmy wormy.  She cannot be trusted on high places anymore.  She just jiggles herself all over the place.  When she is on the floor on her back she will end up somewhere totally different than where I put her. Yesterday I went to the kitchen to get dinner together.  I left Ava on her play mat and I looked over and she had scooted herself under the table with the TV and had a wire in her mouth!  YIKES!  So she has to be watched like a hawk now and she can't even crawl! 
She is able to sit in an exersaucer now.  She enjoys that.  We have one she can touch the ground with and one that she can't quite touch the ground in.  She loves them both.  She finds them very entertaining.  When I am doing my Zumba she sits in one and just giggles....I think she is giggling because mommy looks ridiculous doing Zumba! 
She also likes to sit in her BUMBO.  She likes to hold her ball and chew on it. Sometimes she gets frustrated with her ball because she can't always finagle that into her mouth likes she wants.  Speaking of getting things into her mouth...she tries just about everything.  We think she is getting a tooth on the bottom....she is very drooly.  We cannot put her in the BUMBO right after she eats because it pushes all her food back up.  Yuck! 
Ava is also a talker..not sure where she gets that trait from...
Anyway, she just chitchats to herself in the car seat and she chitchats to us all the time.  She even sometimes has to talk herself to sleep by making these grunting noises...she is definitely my child!  Ha!  She has become fascinated with so many things...everything she sees now is something she wants to get her hands on.  She likes to grab things (or try to) and its really funny to watch.  I have a feeling this girl is going to be a handful!  She will certainly come by that rightly.  She also likes a certain video of herself.  If she is crying, I can put that on and she changes to all smiles...such a turkey! 
One of her newest favorite toys is her baby doll from our friend Mrs. Brantley and her daughter Mackenzie.  We had a scare and I thought I lost it at Olive Garden, but thank goodness it was just at Grandma's and Grandpa's.  Phew! 
Well, Ava is such a blessing.  I am so thankful I get to stay home and be with her all the time.  I wouldn't trade it for anything.  She has brought such joy to our lives and she has completely changed my perspective on life.  I cannot imagine our lives without her now.  We prayed for her for many years and we couldn't be happier!