Monday, July 14, 2014

10 things I would tell my 16 year old self ( if I could)

1. Understand that God sees  you as spectacular.  He made you to be the way you are.  Don't try to be someone different.
2. It is okay if you don't know what you want to be when you grow up.
3. It is also okay if you have fact dream...dream a lot!
4. You will love being a will be a job made perfectly to fit you.
5. Don't care what anyone else thinks of you.  Be proud of you.
6. Learn how to cook! If you don't you'll wish you had.
7. Be wise and frugal with your money now! It will help you out in the long run. 
8. Stay active and fit!  You don't want to be a tired, exhausted, out-of-shape 32 year old.
9. Don't worry about meeting Mr. Right in high school, he will come along in college.
10. Don't be afraid to is what God wants in you and has given you the capacity to do...because God is love and God lives in you. 

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