Friday, September 6, 2013

Ava is 9 months old!

Ava is 9 months old
Weighs: 19 lbs. 6.6 oz.
Height: 28 in.
Head: 45 cm.
Well, not much has changed since my 8 month post (since that was only a week ago). This little girl has brought such joy to our hearts and to our family.  She has such a fun personality.  Ava has no fear of things and I love that about her, but at the same time it scares me to death!  She still wears size 3 diapers.  She is wearing 9-12 month clothing. She sleeps about 10 hours per night. She takes a morning nap from about 10:45-1:00 and an afternoon nap at about 4:00-5:30.  Her bedtime is anywhere between 8-9 pm. She drinks 3 bottles with 8 oz. of formula.  She shows less and less interest in her bottles every day.   She LOVES fruit!  She LOVES music and bops around to it all the time. She loves going outside.  She gets super excited when I grab her, her bag, and the keys because she knows we are going to go somewhere.  She LOVES her puppy and kitty and we are working on petting them gently. 

Her favorite toys are her stacking cups, her shape holder, her diaper box, and anything soft she can snuggle with.
During her 9th month, Ava has become a lot better at sitting down from the standing position.  She use to fall and hit her head on everything when she went down.  Now she goes down slowly and purposeful. 
She still doesn't show any interest in drinking from a cup or holding her own bottle (grrrrrr). We give her a cup at breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Hopefully, she will catch on to it before she is 50.  Many times I will catch her with her sippy cup upside down sucking on the wrong end.  That's my genius!  I do have one picture of her actually holding her cup the right way.  Woo hoo!
We also show no interest in big people food.  She just gags on everything I try to give her.  I know they say to keep making her eat it, but that is pure torture sometimes.  And boy!  Are we messy!!!!
She is full of energy all of the time, except in the morning where she loves her snuggles after her bottles.  I love those sweet and quiet moments with her.  I know one day they will come to end, but I keep hoping and praying that she will always be that loving and cuddly.
She went to her first high school football games where her uncle is one of the coaches.  She loved that so much! 
Things I have loved about this month:
  • Her happy smiles when I get her from her crib
  • Her scrunchy face she makes
  • Her big, top teeth
  • Her curiosity of everything around her
  • Her giggles when we dance around the house
  • Her love for water and when she splashes all around in it
  • Her bashful playfulness
  • Her princess wave
  • Her enthusiasm about the things around her-new sights and sounds
  • Her ability to entertain herself in her pack n play when mommy needs a break
  • Her new dance moves

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