Monday, March 24, 2014

Busted Blood Vessel...among other things

Yesterday, at church, I noticed Sally had a small collection of blood in the white of her right eye.  Of course, this Mama Bear went all sorts of crazy.  I worried and fretted all the rest of the day, even after most everyone said it was nothing to worry and fret over.  We kept our eye on it the rest of the day and it never got worse, so that did give me some peace of mind. 

I called the pediatrician the next morning, as soon as they opened.  Here is where I get a little unnerved.  I called at 8:32.  They open at 8:30.  The receptionist said the nurse would call me back.  I waited...and waited............and waited.  I delayed putting Ava down for her nap because I was certain that they would call as soon as I did that.  Finally, I just decided I had to go about my day.  I kept the phone with me at all times and did things as normal.  At 11:40, they call and want to see Sally.  And they want to see her at 12:30.  Here's the thing: I live 30 minutes away.  So I asked if we could push it back a bit.  I tell her I have a 15 month old who is napping and that I would really like to feed her lunch before we head that way because I know she will be a bear 1) because she didn't get to eat and 2) because her nap was cut short.  She usally sleeps from 11:00 until 1:00.  The nurse actually said in an annoyed tone of voice, "Can't you just give her some snacks?" and told me that they were very booked and would not be able to see me later.

I rushed around to get things ready.  We got in the car by 12:00.  I then look at my gas gauge and see we are on empty.  I had to stop for gas.  I get about 10 minutes away and stop.  But, guess what?  I left my wallet on the kitchen table.  SERIOUSLY????? I call the pediatrician office and explain to them the predicament I am in.  They have the nurse call me back.  It is the same nurse that called earlier and now she sounds REALLY annoyed.  But you know what? I am REALLY annoyed, too.  They had all morning to call me.  I was available ALL morning. If nothing else, they could have called me in the morning and set up an appointment.  So, they double booked me with Sally's primary doctor for 2:00.  So, I got my wallet and got gas, made a quick trip to Target and headed to the doctor. 

The doc said Sally's eye has a busted blood vessel that will probably go away in 6-8 weeks.  It was probably caused by her straining to go to the bathroom or by a really bad cry she had.  Either one of those could be the case because she does strain to poop and when she gets mad, boy is she mad! 

I am glad to know she is ok.  The other good news from today is that I was able to handle (with some bribing of the iphone and the throat stick at the doctor's office that tastes like grape) both girls and their doctor was impressed at how I was handling it and how calm I was.  Yay!  I am getting there...slowly but surely! 

In other news:

Ava is now facing forward in her carseat.  She likes this "new world" she is living in

Sally went from 9 lbs. 6.8 ozs. on Friday to 9 lbs. 9 ozs. on Monday.

Ava can wear her hair in a half's still is a mess and very difficult to do anything with.  And she WON'T wear any hairbows or headbands...little booger

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