Thursday, August 3, 2017

Evelyn 18 months

You are 18 months!  WHAT?!?!?!  I have so enjoyed you.  You are a very funny baby.  Full of joy, spunk, curiosity, playfulness, and silliness.  I love having you here with us.  You always make me smile.  You are just so silly and playful.  You love to make us all laugh and you are very good at it.  We all get giggling at you.  For instance, these pictures.  

You will just do anything for a laugh. Also, the other day, you walked around with your horsey stuffed in the back of your shirt for about an hour.  

You are such a goofball!

I wish I had pictures of you when I tell you it is time to change your diaper.  You run to where the diapers are and lay yourself down.  It is so cute and it is surprising how obedient you are to that request.  You must not like sitting in a soaking wet pee diaper or running around with poo clinging to your patootie.    

You also usually comply when I say it is time for nite nite.  You will make your way to the gate at the stairs.  It is refreshing, to say the least.  

You enjoy playing with your sisters.  You do well with them (most of the time).  Sometimes you like to knock over their lego towers and magnatile castles they make.  They do not think that is funny.  In fact, you did that the other day and I over heard Sally tell you she wasn't your best friend anymore.  😂😂

I love it when I catch you sleeping.  You are so sweet and peaceful.  
I also really love your sleepy face like in this next picture.  
You like to get a hold of our phones now and you like to play games.  We kept an old phone just for you kiddos to play some games on.  You thought you were big stuff the first time we let you do this.  

You have also gotten in the habit of saying "cheese"when I have my camera out and I am taking your picture.  It is pretty cute and you are quite the ham.  

You like to make silly faces.  This is one of my favorites and it made it even better that your face was smeared with Mac & Cheese.  

You really are so sweet and so much fun and bring so much joy.  Even though you are extremely busy (By far my most busiest and disastrous child) you are a lot of fun.  I feel like I have gotten to enjoy your toddlerhood a little bit more than I got to enjoy either of your sisters.  I am so thankful for every little bit of you and your precious personality.

Can't wait to see all the smiles you bring to other's lives and I pray you will be a shining, radiant life lived for God's glory!!! 


18 Month Stats:
~21 pounds (my little petite peanut)
~You like to eat.  You love fruit (especially grapes and bananas), mac and cheese, breads, breakfast bars,  veggie chips, pretzels, goldfish, cheese, noodles, rice, tomato, broccoli, green beans.
~You are not big on meat or peanut butter
~You wear size 4 or 5 diapers
~You are wearing mostly 18-24 month clothing, but you also fit in some 12 month stuff
~You love your horsey fuzzy
~You still sit rear facing in your carseat
~You take 1 (sometimes 2) naps a day
~You go to bed at 8:15 (ish) and sleep until about 8 am
~You are starting to enjoy being read to

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