Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Ulitmate Sacrifice

Abraham was asked to sacrifice his pride and joy, his son, Isaac.  My husband and I were talking about this and we cannot even imagine being asked to do this.  To be honest, I cannot sit here and say that I would trust God and kill my daughters as a sacrifice.  I would have been willfully disobedient in this situation.  I would have been angry with God for even asking me to sacrifice my child.  Even though, as scary as this sounds, I know both of my little girls belong to God, and He could take them from me at any time.  I know I couldn't do it.  I would be completely lying to myself if I even said I would hope I would follow God's instruction.  But, in this situation, I KNOW I would not.  I would not be faithful to my Father. 

What is so amazing about this story, though, is I don't think God will ever ask me to do this.  You know why?

Because God and His Son made the ultimate sacrifice so we wouldn't have to anymore.   He sent His Son to be judged, ridiculed, cursed, beaten, scorned.  Jesus was tempted in every way possible but stayed faithful to His Father.  And ultimately, His love for His Father and His love for us, led Him to the cross to make the ultimate sacrifice. 

I am so grateful for Jesus' sacrifice and His great love for us.  I am thankful that I have a heavenly Father who bore my sin on a cross.  He bore the sin of us all.  And while there will be pain and suffering in this life, I know that God is the great redeemer.

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