Friday, February 21, 2014

C-section Day

The morning of Sally's arrival we were super busy packing the car with what we needed for the hospital stay, getting things together for Ava's stay with her grandma and papa, and attempting to keep my nerves and anxiety from getting to me.  My sister came to watch Ava for the day so my mom and dad could be at the hospital during my surgery.  We showed Aunt Kelly the ropes and then said our goodbyes to Ava.  Of course, Ava was not at all concerned about what was going on and told us "bye bye" as we walked out the garage door.  My dog, Winston, on the other hand, seemed depressed and worried. 

We got to the hospital right before 10:30 and we had to wait in the waiting room for them to call us back.  We were taken back close to 11:00 am.  They had lots of questions to ask me and then they had to prep me for surgery, which included an IV.  They tried to put a big IV in me and it wouldn't go into my small veins, so they call the emergency departments IV team to stick me.  The woman who did that was super calming and good at what she does and thought it was best to put a size smaller needle in for my IV. Finally, Dr. Wicker came in to see me and let me know they were almost ready in the OR and that everything was going to be ok.  The nurse anethesist came in and answered my questions about the spinal.  He was excellent at keeping me calm by having a conversation with me while they were putting the spinal in me. 

We walked down to the OR.  This is always the hardest part because I have to say goodbye to Curtis for about 10-15 minutes.  But those 10-15 minutes seem like an eternity.  They got Curtis prepped to come in and while they were doing that, I was in the OR getting my spinal.  Instantly I started feeling numb...and a little sick.  Then, the c-section began and Curtis came in. 

All of a sudden, I heard the most amazing sound...Sally's beautiful cry.  I cried! Dr. Wicker raised her over the curtain and I saw her.  Immediately, I saw Ava's face.  They looked so much alike!  Curtis got to go over and cut the cord off of Sally and see her get weighed.  She cried the whole time.  Very different from her sister.  I remember Ava cried for a few seconds and then she was pretty quiet. 

Finally, they brought Sally over to me.  I kissed her soft little cheeks and I just wanted to get my hands on her, but I couldn't yet.  They were putting me all back together again. 

Sally was born on February 18, 2014 at 1:00 pm via  c-section. She weighed 8.5 lbs and is 20 1/2 inches long.  We are so blessed and excited to have her in our lives. 

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