Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Baby Evelyn 28 weeks (pregnancy)

How far along? 28 weeks and 5 days. Welcome to the 3rd trimester!!! Whoop Whoop!

How far to go? 80 days

Due Date: February 6, 2016, but I will have a csection between the 1st of Feb to the 5th.  Should be getting a call within the first couple of weeks of December. 

Baby? Chinese Cabbage 14.8 inches (about 2.25 lbs.)

Maternity Clothes: Still loving maternity leggings, boots, and maternity shirts. 

Stretch Marks: Not anything new...yet. Just much fatter.

Pregnancy Symptoms:  I get round ligament pain, lower back and hip pain, frequent trips to the bathroom, and trouble sleeping, heartburn/indigestion/gas, heaviness in my lower abdomen, minor braxton hicks, short of breath, and she just lays on my left pelvic bone. 

Sleeping:  the struggle is real! Sleeping is so uncomfortable because my belly is so heavy and so laying on my sides she drags down and laying on my back is not good, either. Turning from side to side is such a chore. 

Best feeling this week:  That I am in the last trimester

Movement: She moves a lot and her movements are very heavy and bulky much of the time.  She squirms around a lot when I am lying on my side.  
Cravings/Aversions: junk.

Belly Button: In

What I miss:  Sleeping comfortably.

What am I looking forward to: Being home with her and having the whole hospital visit over with.  I have a lot of anxiety about the whole thing.  Just with all the upheaval in the world I think worst case thoughts all the time.  I just really need the peace of God to take over and transform my thoughts, but I have let the devil have such a hold on me here.  

I failed my glucose screening, so now I have to take the 3 hour test.  Ugh.  So annoying.  The sad thing is, I didn't even see it coming.  I thought I was sure to pass.  I felt fine the whole time.  Whatever.  Hopefully I will pass the 3 hour and not have to take any precautions, especially pricking my finger and/or having to go to class.  

I also got bloodwork for syphillus (because you know I am a prime candidate for STD's) and that came back normal and got my whooping cough vaccine. 

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