Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Halloween 2016

 Halloween 2016

We did Halloween a little different this year.  We didn't do the traditional house to house trick or treating.  I don't see the need to have 3 buckets filled with candy laying around my house.  So, we went to Fall Festival at a local church with 2 Cinderellas and a Bumblebee in tow.

Originally, I had a beautiful princess gown picked out for Sally because I thought she just wanted to be a "princess."  But, Sally had a specific princess in mind.  CINDAWEWA.  I was a little disappointed, although, not shocked that Sally wanted to be something OTHER than what I had planned for her.  So, we trucked it to Party City (during nap) the day before her Fall Fun Day at school so she could have a costume to wear to that, as well.  

It was not my brightest moment, taking them to Party City during nap time, on the spur of the moment, but sometimes you do what you've got to do.  And sometimes, you want to pull your eyeballs out because the timing of these things and the opinions of little ones (who, admittedly, I feel should not have so much opinion on everything) just don't always add up.  

When we got to Party City, it was packed!  Everyone was looking for a costume and everyone was wanting to try on said costume.  Ava was already for Halloween.  She was the original Cinderella.  So she had her dress.  All she requested that we didn't have was a wand.  Ava kept trying to point Sally in a different direction than Cinderella, but THAT girl knows what she wants.  She found three blue Cinderella dresses and we requested all of them to try on.  There is one fitting room in this store, so we waited and waited to try on these dresses, someone skipped in front of us somehow and decided to take their sweet time and I got fed up, so....I had Sally try on the dresses right there in the middle of the store.  (Poor judgement maybe, but when you have a 3, 2, and 9 month old, you are mostly concerned with keeping everyone content while keeping your sanity).  Of course, the only one that fit was my least favorite one of all.  It looked so cheap compared to Ava's and the other dress we had picked out was so much more beautiful, but not to Sally.  She loved it and so we went with it, topped with a tiara and a wand for her, as well.  

Evelyn wore a passed down Bumblebee costume.  She was the cutest, roly poly-est bumblebee ever!  She handled being in her costume very well.  She didn't seem to mind it one bit.  

Ava looked beautiful in her costume.
I didn't get a lot of pictures from the festival because my phone died!  Totally should have been paying attention to that all day.  Anyway, we met some friends there and we had a really good time.  It was different, something I would probably do again and the we didn't LOAD up on candy which is a plus.  Not sure the girls were impressed or pleased with that, but it is better for them in the long run.  And, believe me, it is a huge victory for me to not want a bunch of candy laying around the house!!!

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