Monday, April 18, 2016


Ava and Sally. Sisters. Best friends. Enemies. And everything in between.  I just love watching these 2 develop their relationship.  Sometimes, it is me praising and encouraging the love they are showing one another.  Sometimes, it is breaking up fights between them-from pulling hair, kicking each other, pinching, etc.  Other times it is watching and appreciating all their differences and sometimes it is enjoying the fact that they have things in common.  

They are so close.  They don't know what to do with out the other.  Sally is always asking where Ava is when she is in school and Ava is always asking Sally to join her in playing in the playroom.   They are often found twirling around the family room dancing together, cuddling on the couch, or sitting in their tent reading to one another or feeding their babies.  

When they are giggling together, my heart melts.  When they are fighting, my eyes roll.  Sally loves to do everything her big sister does and Ava roots for Sally all the time.  

I wouldn't be honest if I didn't say that some days aren't quite as endearing between the two of them.  They fight, as all sisters and siblings do.  Recently, Sally broke Ava's watch by snatching it off her wrist.  I told Ava that she was going to have to muster up the strength to forgive Sally and Ava said, "I am just not ready to do that."  Later on, Sally shared something with Ava and Ava said she was ready to forgive her.  There are often scuffles over toys or one not doing what the other wants.  There are often talks with Ava about not instigating things with Sally and there are many talks with Sally about hair pulling and pinching.  

But, as I watch them, I know that their relationship, their friendship, and their fights will be a blessing to them, as it is to me.  I am so blessed to have these girls.  To have them so close together and to be able to see with my own eyes how much they really do care and love for each other.  

I know that not all their interactions are pleasant.  I know there will be times that they just won't like each other.  But I pray that God will always keep their relationship strong, to be able to endure those battles.  I pray that He will enable them to forgive one another,  and give them encouragement towards each other.  I pray that they will realize each others gifts and encourage them in those and be accepting of their differences.  I pray that they will also allow Evie into their "circle".  

They are such treasures...even when they are pulling each others hair out!

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