I have been wanting to write this for a long time. I couldn't quite find the words or think of a good way to put it. But, with the constant drive of the media shoving in our face all that is wrong with our world, as I watch teenagers put on their Instagram accounts tbh so they can get some accolades from their peers, selfies and selfie sticks galore, and I as watch my precious time get wasted by it, I am finally figuring out the words that need to come.
Social Media is a drag. Sure, it can be useful. It can be fun. It can even be helpful, at times, but the constant longing for it and the unending need of everyones approval is unnerving.
Just last night I was looking through Instagram and saw a pretty young teenage girl post a picture of herself. Her comment on the picture was if they would give her a tbh she would return the favor. It made me so sad. Here is this beautiful young girl, who needs approval from others and wants people to tell her nice things about herself. What have we come to? She is not the only young girl doing this, by any stretch of the means. I see this kind of thing all the time. Our society is so wrapped up in feeling good about ourselves, getting the approval of others, and needing to hear approval and nice things said about ourselves constantly. And then, what if someone's tbh was not so nice? Then that poor little girl's outlook on herself is dashed. Why have we become so concerned about others thoughts and feelings about us than us seeing ourselves as uniquely and wonderfully made? Where are the moms and dads in all of this? Are they not constantly telling their kids all the special and beautiful characteristics about their kids? Probably not. They are probably too wrapped up in all their social media interests, or engrossed in their electronics, or working a bunch to pay for all their kids to have these things.
Facebook can be a great tool and resource to keep up with family and friends. However, it is also filled with threads that can terrify the living daylights out of you! For an already anxious and fearful person, like myself, this can be detrimental. It can quickly still all the joy out of your lives. Then, there are those that like to post only the good things and make their life look all picture perfect. They can't even be honest with themselves and post how hard life can sometimes be. And so those of us who struggle with the comparison game are left comparing ourselves to this seemingly perfect person and feeling as if we will never measure up.
I guess I want to say all this to remind us that not one of us is perfect. NOT. ONE. And, you know what? That is ok. We all mess up, we all have bad days, we should all be honest about that, and embrace it so we can move on and do better. We need to remember that there is good in this world. The media just doesn't want us to know it and neither does Satan. We need to realize that what other people think of us makes not one difference in the world. God thinks we are special and unique, and He is for us. So who cares what anyone else thinks. I am sure I am preaching to the choir on this. And I need to take a little dose of my own medicine. These are complete struggles of mine, as well.
I just have had it on my mind...
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