Christmas 2015
Christmas this year was a lot of fun. The girls were way more into it. We had lots of fun with family. We began an annual tradition with cousins to do a Christmas Light Scavenger Hunt. At least I am hoping I can talk them into that for a tradition. 😁
Curtis and I have done this Christmas light scavenger hunt the past two years by ourselves. And, of course, this year we decided to try a different neighborhood (Brandon Oaks). Step up your game Brandon Oaks! Highly disappointed. We will stick to the neighborhoods we have done in the past.
This season has been filled with baking Christmas cookies and other Christmas goodies, looking at lights, decorating the house, making Christmas crafts, shopping for gifts, and cranky mommy who feels and looks like a beached whale and is ready to meet Baby Evie!
Ava was really into all things Christmas this year. Sally found out who Santa and reindeer are and those really intrigued her. I think Ava is like her mother about the Christmas season. It is just all so splendid and festive and cozy. What is there not to love?
Ava and Sally got some wonderful gifts from some very loving and thoughtful family members. Some of their favorites is a puppy they can pull around, the baby doll and stroller and pack n play, their tent, Lamby from Doc McStuffins and her doctor supplies, their drum and music set, magnetic dress up dolls, their vanity (that their daddy made) and the hair supplies that go with it, and their red ryder wagon for walks.
Christmas Eve was spent hanging around the house, going to Christmas Eve service at church, doing the scavenger hunt, and ending the night at Mimi and PopPop's. The girls had a ton of fun at each activity. But, of course, their favorite was at Mimi and PopPop's. They got to see all their cousins, aunts, uncles, and of course, Mimi and PopPop. They had fun sitting with their big cousins at the table to eat with them, going up to the 3rd floor (they have never gotten to go there before) and play fusbal (sp?) and hang out with their cousins. They ate lots of yummy treats and got to open some awesome presents. When we got home, we turned on the fire and sat by the tree and read some Christmas stories.
Christmas morning was eventful. I wish the girls were more into sharing that morning, but there was a lot of arguing and fighting over the toys. I know...they are (almost) 2 and 3, but my goodness. Anyway, that did eventually calm down and for the most part they are doing a great job sharing. I look forward to next Christmas when we will also have Evelyn with us.
I am thankful. Thankful that we had the means to have presents under our tree. Thankful that we have a warm and cozy house to live in and keep us dry from all the rain we have gotten. Thankful that I live near family and friends to celebrate with. Thankful for a church to attend Christmas Eve services at. Thankful for healthy kids and doctors who can care for them when they are not. Just thankful. We, in America, take so much of this for granted. Be always thankful for God's provision and blessings over us.
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