Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Ava's 3 year letter

Ava Bean, 

You are such a light in our lives.  Looking back, I cannot get over how much you have changed.  Everything you do and say seems so big now.  You are still spunky, still imaginative, still march to the beat of your own drum, still empathetic (for a 3 year old), still funny.   You have also turned into the horrific threes.  You are back to spending a lot more time in time out.  Usually it is for not listening, mouthiness, sticking your tongue out at us,  and/or getting an attitude. Lately, we have to repeat ourselves to you a lot, and the hardest part of that is I know you know what you are supposed to be (or not supposed to be) doing.  I wondered if this would happen when you turned three because, frankly, you were a super easy baby and toddler.  Oh well, we will get through this! 
You have learned a lot this year.  Your vocabulary amazes me.  And you come up with some of the funniest sayings.  A lot of times, you say a mix of different things you have heard in your sentences.  It is really funny.  Like the other day, Sally and I were singing Christmas songs and you were playing in the playroom.  You came running in there and said, "What in the Pete Sake's is going on in here."  You are quite the lazy little thing, too.  You have no desire to help pick up the playroom, unless you are going to gain something from it.  You come up with every excuse you have in your book.  But, most of the time, you tell me things like, "I just can't.  I am too busy in my life."  Ugh.  You are going to be fun as you get older. 
During this third year of life, I fretted and fussed about the fact that you were showing absolutely NO desire to get potty trained.  I had visions of you being 16 still in a diaper.  Ok, maybe that is a bit drastic, but I do remember thinking you were not going to be able to attend preschool next year because you were not potty trained.  I would think about how bummed out you would be when we dropped your sister off for her 2 year old class and you would have to go home with me instead.   Thankfully, you are now potty trained.  As always, it had to be mostly your idea with a lot of encouragement from your daddy and I.  It didn't take you long ( like 2 days to get it figured out) and then you were hooked!  We are so very proud of that huge accomplishment (and yes, a little relieved you are 3 and not 16.)
But, Ava, when I look at you, I see such a sweet girl.  I see someone who has made the lives of those around her better.  I see this endearing smile and hear this cute little voice.  I love how you are realizing that God is so much a part of you and this world around you.  I love how you love Sally.  You are usually so kind to her.  I love the way you look and try to help care for little babies.  I love your curiosity. You are so mesmerized by the fact that there is a baby in my belly. You enjoy talking to her and rubbing her.  Your love for books and music and dancing and sprinkles is so much fun.  I find it hopeful that when you do make mistakes you want comfort from us and once you have gotten over being upset about it, you are looking up at us with this cute little smile to see if we are still upset with you. 
The truth is, there is SO much to love about you.  I could go on and on.  There are going to be many things in this world that try to steal your joy.  I pray that you can overcome that.  I pray you have freedom from fear.  I struggle with letting the ugly things happening in this world taking every ounce of joy from me.  I pray you never struggle there.  I pray you are bold and courageous.  I light shining in the dark.  I pray that the way you live your life will touch others and they will see bits of God's character through you.  You have everything it takes to do this.  Believe it.  See yourself the way your Creator sees you.  I pray that you know we love you so much, but I pray that you depend on God's love more than anyone or anything else. 
I pray your 4th year is healthy, abundant, peaceful, and wonderful. 

I love you sweet girl so much.  I thank God always for letting me be your mommy, to get to know you, and be with you every day! 

Love you forever and for always,

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