How far along? 33 weeks and 2 days.
How far to go? 40 days
Due Date: February 6, 2016, but I will have a csection between the 1st of Feb.
Baby? Honeydew (4.2-5.8 lbs.) 17-18 in.
Maternity Clothes: Still loving maternity leggings, boots, and maternity shirts.
Stretch Marks: A few showing up lightly on my stomach. Also I have a lot of skin tags!
How far to go? 40 days
Due Date: February 6, 2016, but I will have a csection between the 1st of Feb.
Baby? Honeydew (4.2-5.8 lbs.) 17-18 in.
Maternity Clothes: Still loving maternity leggings, boots, and maternity shirts.
Stretch Marks: A few showing up lightly on my stomach. Also I have a lot of skin tags!
Pregnancy Symptoms: slight round ligament pain, lower back and hip pain, frequent trips to the bathroom, and trouble sleeping, heartburn/indigestion/gas, heaviness in my lower abdomen, minor braxton hicks, short of breath.
Sleeping: I feel like I sleep a tad better than I had been. Sometimes, I have to lay ice on my hip and lower back to relieve the pain. Sometimes, I have to roll out of bed or off the couch because it is much easier that way.
Best feeling this week: I am pretty excited that I am close to being in the last month.
Movement: She is still quite active in there. But her movements are much heavier and noticeable, even to other people. We did have a scare the other day because I was having horrible gas pains and NOTHING I had ever experienced before and it woke me up from a nap and carried on for probably 2 hours. Since I have gotten quite used to feeling Evie move and I can now sleep through it, I couldn't remember the last time I had felt her. During the whole time I was having excruciating pain, I could not feel her and that was freaking Curtis and myself out. I took a bath to see if that would get her moving because often it does. But that didn't work. Then I went to bed and laid on my side because she usually gets squirmy. Nothing. I switched sides. Still nothing. I finally decided I needed some sugar or caffeine, so I ate a sugar cookie. Within 5 minutes, she was back to her normal, active self. Thank goodness!!!
Cravings/Aversions: junk.
Belly Button: In
What I miss: sleeping on my belly.
What am I looking forward to: Holding her and seeing what she looks like and becoming a family of 5 and seeing the girls with her.
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