14 months!
Oh this girl! She stole my heart on December 5th, 2012 and the love continues to get deeper and deeper. I fall in love with her more and more every day! She has been the major thing that has kept my spirits up during this very tiring pregnancy. And I thank her for that! :)
She is starting to lose that little baby look and look more like a toddler. It makes me sad, but I know she has to grow up and I do look forward to doing things with her that toddlers and preschoolers can do.
I have no idea how much she weighs. We go to the doctor for a 15 month check up in March and by that time, I will be dragging two little girls to the doctor. Dr. Hight will be pleased that we made it to our sippy cup cut off date. She wanted us off of bottles by 15 months and we made it! We are also making some headway on eating people food and not just baby food. However, she is still getting some baby food. Mainly because I am not the best right now at cooking a well balanced meal for Curtis and I so we don't have the cooked veggies to share with her. I am better at buying fresh fruit to share with her. She still wears size 4 diapers and wears 12-18 and some 24 month clothing. She drinks about 22 ounces of milk a day and various different kinds of food.
Ava still sleeps through the night from about 8:30-until 7 am or 8 am. She sleeps so long at night, she was peeing through her clothes. A friend recommended the Pampers Baby Dry 12 hour diapers and they work like a charm! Thanks Sara! She has been dry ever since trying those at night. :) During the day, Ava usually takes 2 naps. I think the morning nap is getting shorter. But then that leads her to getting tired earlier in the day and wanting to go down around 3 instead of 4 for her second nap. I just hope she holds on to these 2 naps for me so I can get things under control when the next little Miss makes her appearance in this house.
She goes to the nursery at church for walkers now....sigh. I miss her being with the best nursery volunteers ever! They were always so good to Ava and to us! I know she loves the new nursery because there are so many neat toys to play with and things to climb on and she gets snack time, but it's just another indicator she is growing up.
Miss Rhonda and Ava |
Ava eating a snack in nursery |
Ava is learning how to use things as a tool to climb up on other things. I am not too thrilled with this. I KNOW Winston isn't excited about it either. That is his only way to get away from her-jumping up on something out of her reach. Poor dog. Here is a picture of her using a tub to climb on the table next to the couch to get to the couch. Right after I took this, she fell through the space between the table and wall. She got up and looked at me and tried it again! Such a toughie!
Ava LOVES baths. Well, she loves playing in the bath. Ava DOES NOT LOVE getting her hair washed or rinsed anymore. Not sure when this happened. It didn't use to bother her, but now it does. She screams! She plays pretty well in the bath. We know it is time to get her bathed when she starts standing up. After her bath, she loves getting wrapped up in her towel and then she has to look at herself in the three mirrors we pass by as we walk to her room. It is pretty funny. I think she may be a little vain.
Speaking of vain, she thinks she is hot stuff in her sunglasses. She likes to wear them around the house. I think she is just such a turkey.
When we say to smile, this is the look we get:
Ava got to experience her first snow this month. She didn't really know what to do with it. She just stood there in it mostly looking at it. She didn't really want to touch it.
For a 14 month old, this little girl can sit and look at books for a very surprisingly long time. Her favorite book is The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Here she is sitting in her chair "reading" that:
She also likes to eat without using her hands. I have a little video of her doing this:
Here is Ava "talking"
Some of the new things Ava is doing this month:
- growing 3 molars (all at the same time and handling it like a trooper!)
- getting better and better at whistling
- getting mad at Winston when he does something you don't like
- singing and dancing
- throwing bigger (more embarrassing) temper tantrums in the middle of public places
- giving sweet kisses and big, tight hugs
- showing more interests in our food and getting mad if we don't share it
I am loving the hugs and kisses. I just can't get enough of them. There are some days when she is downright mean and would rather hit than give love. When she hits me I put her down and walk away. She doesn't like that either. Usually she will come follow me and wrap her arms around my legs. I am really enjoying having her and am so thankful I get to spend so much time with her. I know that is such a blessing that I am very fortunate to have.
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