Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Ava is 13 Months

13 Months

I bet you thought I was going to stop documenting every month of Ava's life once she turned a year.  Nope!  I just can't do it.  Hopefully, I will be as good about this with Sally Jean as I am with Ava. 

Ava has become hilarious!  She is full of herself, full of personality, and full of energy.  She certainly has kept me on my toes and busy, busy, busy during this pregnancy.  I am worn out and exhausted all day, every day.  One thing is for sure, we have just a little over a month before Sally gets here.  I can't even believe it has gone by so fast, but with such a busy little bee running around the house, I guess it makes sense that this pregnancy has flown by. 

I am pleased and proud to announce that Ava is no longer drinking from a bottle.  She now is fully drinking from a Sippy cup.  The NUBY is her favorite kind.  I think she loves that one best because the top is more like a bottle nipple.  She drinks about 20-22 ounces per day, most days.  Today, not being one of those days.  Ha!  She still likes for you to hold her while she holds her cup and drinks it.  Some days she drinks her milk very quickly.  Other days, she takes her merry, sweet time drinking her milk.

We are still eating mostly baby food.  We did go to Trader Joe's today and get some lunch meat.  She had some turkey and veggie sticks, as well as, an apple and carrot pouch.  She is showing more and more interest in the food we are eating.  Today, at SouthPark she had a few bites of a chocolate chip cookie.  This girl loves chocolate. 

Ava has started to really enjoy music.  She claps when she hears it and loves to twirl round and round.  She gets so dizzy and can usually only twirl a couple of times before becoming wobbly and falling over.  We often listen to Disney music on Pandora during the day.  

She has also started to enjoy the movies Tangled,  Brave, and Princess and the Frog.  I know she is too young to be watching TV (yada,yada, yada)  but sometimes it is all this pregnant mommy can do.  We use it as snuggle time or I use it to get a couple things done in the kitchen.  It keeps her from coming in and "helping" me. 

During her 13th month, Ava spent her first night away from mommy.  She stayed with grandma and grandpa on New Years Eve so Curtis and I could have a night out.  It was hard. I thought about her so much, but it was much needed and much appreciated by us. 

A new every day occurrence is finding Ava in the morning in her crib soaked in her own pee.  EWWWW! I am not sure what is going on or what to do about it.  It's pretty gross. Here is what I saw this morning:

Disregard the unmatching clothing ensemble. Jammie's were dirty and laundry wasn't done.

Ava still likes her 2 naps. In fact, if I say nap time or nite nite time she heads to the baby gate so we can go upstairs. I hope she will continue to like her 2 naps.  I am going to need those.  She takes one around 10 and one around 3:30.  However, she still adjusts well if we don't always get in those 2 naps.  She is still pretty easy going and flexible.  She goes to bed around 8:30 or 9:00. It depends on when daddy gets home so he can spend some time with her. 

She wears 12-18 month clothing and wears a size 4 diaper. 

She likes words that start with the letter B.  She can say boo, book, bye bye, baby.  She woof woofs at dogs and moows at cats.  She tries to say cookie (coocoo) and all done.  She also will say amen at the end of our prayers with prompting.  If you say to smile, she will smile.  She is also starting to put her shape toys in the right holes, put blocks in her alphabet train, put her buckets inside of each other.  She notices that some of her toys have a purpose.  She also whistles. 

She is absolutely infatuated with poor Winston.  He can hardly get away from her ever.  She wants to pet him, lay on him, hold him...poor dog.  He has been pretty good and patient with her.  I don't know what he is going to do when she can climb on furniture and get to his "hiding" spot.

Here are a couple cute pics of her:


  1. Mandy, she is such a cutie! I tried not to let Sam and Kate watch tv until I got pregnant, then Mickey Mouse Clubhouse became my best friend - you gotta do what you gotta do! :) What a blessing that Ava still takes two naps...that will come in handy when Sally gets here. I'll be thinking about you this next month!.

    1. Thanks Erin! Just so you know, your blog post and your supermommy powers inspire me!

  2. Have you tried Pampers Baby Dry at night? The 12 hour diapers? Knox pees all over himself if he is wearing any other kind of diaper at night and I buy a size larger than what he wears during the day. I know that I need to go up a size when he starts leaking again.

    1. Sara, I have not tried those. I was actually going to get online yesterday and look up diapers but didn't have the time. Looks like you saved me from having to do that. I am going to give those a try. Thanks! Hope you are doing and feeling well! How is that new baby coming along?

  3. I hope those work for you - I don't know how different boys and girls are as far as diaper fit. Our little boy is coming along fine - I'm at 23 weeks, so still a ways to go! Hoping it goes by fast!

    1. I went and bought a pack today to see if they work. It sure would be wonderful if they did! Here is to hoping! Thanks for telling me about them!
