37 Weeks
How far along? 37 weeks and 3 days. How far to go? 18 days, but because I am having a c-section, it is really only 12 days left
Due Date: February 24, 2014 BUT C-SECTION IS SCHEDULED FOR FEBRUARY 18TH! So really I have 1 weeks and 5 days left. Its going to be a long 1 week and 5 days!
Baby? Sally is measuring in at 39 1/2 weeks. So, needless to say, she is going to be a big baby according to the last 2 doctors I have seen. They are also glad that we are going to be doing a c-section. Today her heartrate was 138. That is the lowest that I know of. But, the doctor said that was fine. According the the What to Expect app, she should be shedding her skin, and producing surfunctant which helps the air sacs in the lungs to not stick together once she begins to breathe. She is also continuing to add fat...Oh yay! I don't think we need anymore of that. But, God knows what he is doing, right?! She is fine tuning her brain and nervous system.
Maternity Clothes: I wear maternity clothes always...there is no way on God's green earth I could wear normal clothes. But even those are getting tight and uncomfortable. I am going to have to stick it out...No need to buy more when I am only 12 days away from getting this baby out.
Stretch Marks: I am getting them pretty bad on my stomach....:(
Pregnancy Symptoms: I have to use the restroom often especially after Braxton Hicks contractions. . I also have been having major middle back pain, heartburn/indigestion minimally, I am emotional, slight hip pain, breathlessness big time, slightly nauseous mostly when I lay down, several headaches, sore lower abdomen,Pelvic pressure, fatigue and some other unmentionable pregnancy symptoms. *Note the large font size...those are big pregnancy symptoms. I am feeling very done with this by this point and just want to feel normal again and not constantly icky and in a funk.
Sleeping: What's that ?!?! No, really I sleep ok...Some nights are better than others. I slept through the night until 4:15 am this morning. Other nights aren't as good. I have a hard time getting comfortable, even with my boppy. Sometimes I have headaches that wake me up. That isn't fun either.
Best feeling this week: tickling and loving and cuddling my first born precious Ava. Trying to focus on the fact that these are our last 12 days we have together just the 2 of us, but still hard to not focus on getting this baby out!
Movement: She is moving less...sometimes I realize I haven't felt her in a while. It is harder to feel her move now and it is especially harder when you have to chase my 14 month old. I actually have to sit still and feel her.
Cravings/Aversions: manderin oranges, mangos, edamame, brownies
Belly Button: In, but almost, out
What I miss: NO middle back pain
What am I looking forward to: I am looking forward to no big belly! Meeting this girl, being home with her and having my little family all together under one roof.
I remember this week from the last pregnancy...the only difference is I am going a week early and Ava was a week late. I feel like if I wasn't having a c-section, I would undergo the same turmoil I did with Ava. Going a week late... Anyway, my doctor appointment went well today. Lindsay said my blood pressure, weight gain (171 lbs.), and urine samples looked good. She said to definitely let her know if my headaches and nausea get worse....that since the other things look good and there is no swelling, that she wasn't concerned at this point. She took Sally's heartbeat, which was hard to hear this time around. She came in a 138 beats per minute. I don't recall her having a heart rate that low so far, but there have been a few times the doctors didn't tell me the actual heart rate. I had noticed on my lab results from previous visits that my urine sample had a trace amount of protein in it. I asked Lindsay and she said that is fine and there was nothing to be worried about. There was one night I had braxton hicks but they were coupled with menstrual like cramps and lower back pain. I started wondering and so I decided to get up and do something else. The only thing that sounded good was to take a bath. So, I took a bath and the contraction and cramps continued. I was still wondering...could I be in labor? I went to bed after that and was still having them. I eventually fell asleep and nothing ever came from it. So, FALSE alarm! geesh!
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