I remember the morning of September 11th well. I remember walking to chapel and hearing the devastating news. I remember sitting in shock, disbelief, fear. I remember hugging friends and tears streaming down everyone's faces. I remember being 16 hours away from my family but felt an eternity away. I remember all the phone lines were busy and no one could get ahold of anyone. I remember panic setting in because my dad was suppose to be in a meeting at the pentagon and no one could reach him. I remember becoming angry at those who did this. I remember being proud of those that served and died. I remember hurting so badly for those who had lost someone or who were waiting to find their loved ones fate. I remember watching hour after hour of coverage-hearing story after story of sadness, bravery, unity, and loss.
That day has never left my heart or my mind. It changed the course of history. It changed our lives...everyone's. Yet, I feel that, somehow, we have allowed that day to diminish, except on 9/11. Somehow we, as a country, have forgotten the unity we felt on that day. The promises we made to one another-to stand united. We only seem to remember that on days when something tragic happens. Every other day we sit complaining about the other political party, worrying about such trivial matters, forgetting what we stand for and what our brave soldiers are fighting for. We don't get along with others who believe differently than we do. We call each other names, do hurtful things to those who disagree with us, etc. Where did UNITED WE STAND, WE WILL NEVER FORGET go?
I think about those who were so closely involved in this horrible day. How they cannot wake up any morning and forget because someone they love is no longer here on earth with them. How they cannot forget because they have post traumatic stress about that day. How they cannot forget because just going to work will never be the same to them. How they cannot forget because they didn't see on TV all these horrific events, but they were standing right there watching it happen. How they cannot forget because they were racing down the stairs trying to get out on time. And I cannot forget this day because of them and their loved ones. I can't let the memory die because of what they have to endure every day.
Let us remember this day. Let us remember the things that really matter. Let us pay homage to those who have to fight those battles above so differently than we do because they were there. Let us remember those that did this to our country and pray for their hearts. Pray for the evil in this world to be overcome. Never forget 9/11. Never forget those tearful faces, those breaking hearts. They deserve to be remembered this day as heroes and fighters who are trying everyday to overcome that terrible morning. To all those who have lost loved ones, I am truly sorry for your loss. I don't know what you face every day and I can't imagine the pain you feel. Know that there are many in this world who are thinking about you, love you and are proud of you. To those who showed bravery and courage to step in and help, thank you for your love and sacrifice for others. To those brave men and women who are fighting for our freedoms now, thank you for your time and sacrifice, and love for this country. Thank you to your families for giving of their time with you to be with them to instead be in places across the world making sure we are safe here in America.
9/11-May we never forget and may we be brought together in perfect unity once more.
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