Saturday, September 7, 2013

16 weeks

I can't believe I am 16 weeks (almost).  After tomorrow I will be.  Anyway, it really has gone by fairly quickly and I can say that even after 13 grueling weeks of constant nausea, vomiting or dry heaving, complete and utter exhaustion, etc.  I'd like to thank my wonderful 9 month old for helping to pass the time.  She keeps me on my toes, is so much fun and makes me laugh way more than I would be if I didn't have her here. 
How far along? 15 weeks and 5 days
Size of baby? size of an avocado (4-5 in, 3-5 oz.)
Maternity Clothes:  I am wearing maternity pants and shirts.  I could probably get away with some regular clothes but they are much less confining and much more comfortable. I love my maternity jeans and t-shirts.  I am going to need some maternity winters clothes since I really had no need for those with my last pregnancy.  I was usually too hot for sweaters.  Who knows? Maybe that will be the same with this one. 
Stretch Marks:  Not any new ones that I can tell. 

Pregnancy Symptoms: I still have some nausea and have had a few moments I felt I needed to be bending over a toilet.  All that led to was dry heaving, which I will admit, can help make me feel better.  I am very tired, still.  I have had a few headaches this week.  But those have seemed to lessen in quantity and pain. 
Sleeping:  I have been able to sleep on my belly up until this week.  This week I have been sprawled across my boppy pregnancy pillow and I forgot how much I LOVE it.  The only thing that can irritate me is when I need to flip to my other side.  I have to toss the pillow on the other side, then my blanket gets all twisted and that is SOOOOO annoying.  It makes it even worse because I feel like I toss and turn a lot.  I take up most of the bed...poor, poor Curtis. 
Best feeling this week: I am starting to look pregnant and not fat or like I just gave birth 9 months ago.  I have also had a little more energy.
Movement: Not yet
Cravings/Aversions: I can eat most anything.  Not a whole lot sounds tremendously good, like I have gotta have it right now or I am going to die kind of thing.  I can eat whatever.  I was craving fruit and cucumbers before this week.  Now I have drifted more to salty and some sweet.  I have been really into caffeine free root beer. 
Belly Button: never really came out with Ava either
What I miss:  Admittedly, I miss being able to go out and not feel nauseous at all.  I miss being able to clean my house thoroughly. 
What am I looking forward to: I am looking forward to seeing this baby on the screen.  I am excited to see what we are having and seeing that it is ok (Lord willing).

I have had weird dreams lately.  Some intense and bothersome, some weird.  I had one that I was growing facial hair and it looked like a leprechaun and my doctor told me it was because I must have a lot of testosterone in my...that I must be having a boy.  I have a feeling I am having a boy, but who really knows?  God does!  Anyway, as long as we have a healthy baby, I am good with whatever it is... boy or girl!

I have had a close fainting spell after being out in the heat.  That was scary and brought back memories of my last pregnancy. 

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