I can't believe I am 17 weeks and one day. This week is a big week for us. We are (hopefully) going to 1) see a healthy, growing, well developing baby growing inside my belly and 2) going to find out if it is a boy or girl. The suspense is KILLING me. I cannot wait to see this baby. It has been a LONG time coming. I honestly don't think I could handle another week of not being able to catch a glimpse of this little miracle inside. There are a lot of anxieties that come along with this ultrasound for me. I always think the worst and expect it. I really need to be praying to God more for peace.
How far along? 17 weeks and 1 day
Size of baby? size of a sweet potato (5.5 in, 5 oz.) Also, about the length of an asparagus spear
Maternity Clothes: I am wearing maternity pants and still trying to fit into some regular shirts. This is not going to be able to happen for too much longer because I have really seemed to pop this week. The shirts are going to be too stretched out to wear post maternity if I keep this up. I love wearing yoga type pants and t shirts.
Stretch Marks: Not any new ones that I can tell. I am using Elemis massage oil to help with the stretch marks.
Pregnancy Symptoms: I have had some headaches and stuffy nose. My energy seems to be boosted and not as much nausea at all. YAY! I am more energetic but love when I can get some good sleep. I seem to feel more hungry lately which is not good.
Sleeping: I sleep with my boppy as my support on my right side and Curtis as my support on the left side...haha. I have been able to sleep pretty well lately. I have hardly woken up in the middle of the night this week. I am getting up early, but that is because I want to have certain things done before my little miss wakes up and makes it almost impossible to do my normal routine.
Best feeling this week: Not feeling nauseous is a HUGE PRAYER ANSWERED!
Movement: Not yet...anxiously waiting and anticipating
Cravings/Aversions: Lately, I have wanted the not healthy stuff and nixed the healthy stuff. I cut a cucumber yesterday to eat with some ranch dressing and the smell of the cucumber was a huge turn off. I can always seem to eat some mashed potatoes and green beans (especially the Texas Roadhouse green beans). I stopped ordering steak when I eat out because I can't stand the sight of another medium well or well done steak. Too chewy...
Belly Button: In...it never really came out with Ava either
What I miss: I miss feeling productive. Oh, and I miss sushi and frozen margaritas.
What am I looking forward to: I am still looking forward to seeing this baby for the first time at our ultrasound and seeing that it is ok. I am looking forward to finding out what we are having and seeing if my prediction is right.
Not much else to report. This pregnancy seems to be going by a little quicker than my first, but I do have a little 9 month old who is very, very, VERY busy. That could be a big part of the reason. I am so thankful for her and this little miracle inside me. It will be interesting carrying her around (She's heavy!!!) and this baby when I am in the third trimester...especially if my belly gets anything like it did with Miss Ava.
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