You are half a year old? It seems wrong to say that. Your first 6 months have been a whirlwind. A wonderful whirlwind. You had your 6 month well visit and it went well (minus the shots). Your doctor was very impressed with how healthy you are and how advanced at things you are. Although, it isn't surprising to me. You have to big, very active sisters who you long to join. You just can't join them fast enough. You love to watch them. And you watch them intensely. You are always on the move (in your little 6 month way). You are always kicking, trying to do sit-ups to get yourself up from a laying down position. You jibber jabber all the time. You bounce like Tigger in your bouncy chair. You turn over constantly and use that as your way of getting around. You grab everything in your reach and strain yourself to get what isn't in your reach. You put everything you can get in your hands straight into your mouth. You are beginning to sit up on your own, but still need me near to catch you if you fall forward or backward. You love peek-a-boo, songs, colorful tv shows like Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Care Bears, and My Little Pony. You LOVE to eat food, not so much your bottles. You love the sweet potatoes, the avocados, and pears mixed with some rice cereal. You drink about 28 ounces of formula per day. Drinking bottles seem to bore you. You sleep wonderfully at night, but naps can be a hit or miss. You don't want to miss anything. You love to be held. You love smiling faces and smiling back at them. You weigh 16 lbs. and 10 ounces. You are wearing 6-9 month clothing and you wear size 3 diapers. I love you so much. You are wonderful, easy, content baby. You have brought me so much joy and since having you, my life feels full and complete. I love watching you grow, although it does bring tears to my eyes. I love you so much. We all do. Love to see what God continues to do with you and how He changes my perspective because of you.
You with your Mimi |
You with Charlise for our weekly Thursday visits :) |
Sleeping on mommy which doesn't happen often or nearly enough :( |
these pictures are of my mom who I think you resemble. Wish they weren't sideways. |
6 month well visit |
Love your sweet, little body |
Love that cute little nose and sweet beautiful eyes |
She's so, so beautiful!