Monday, August 8, 2016

Duck Donuts and Freedom Park

Curtis and I have hit some bumps in our marriage.  It has been hard and trying to get things back on track has not been easy emotionally, physically, or financially.  We have had to count on family and friends countless times to come to our aide and watch our kids for us so we can attend some therapy and have some much needed date nights.
After this happened, we began to be more purposeful in the way we spent time together.  We stopped watching tv right after the girls went to bed, we put our phones down by a certain time in the evening., among some other things.  Now, we put the girls down, pick up the house, and do a devotional/Bible reading/ and prayer time with one another.  We have also begun doing more things together as a family.  So, one morning (after Curtis has raved and raved over these particular donuts, maple bacon) he finally took us to Duck Donuts to see what the fuss was all about.  I thought the idea of a maple bacon donut sounded unnatural and disgusting.  But, ohmyword!  They were delicious! I also really enjoyed their cinnamon sugar donut.  Worth the trip uptown for those warm circles of deliciousness.  Afterwards, we spent the morning at the park and it was lovely.  And much needed time with our little family.  They girls got to feed some ducks, play on the playground, and just have fun.  We enjoyed ourselves.

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