Well, we have almost made it through day one together. So far, so good.
Last night, Curtis did the 10pm feeding and I did the other feedings. Sally was up every 3 hours, like clockwork. However, the positive side of this was that Sally slept between feedings which means I was able to sleep between feedings.
Curtis left for work around 5:30 am (I think). I got up around 6:45 am to feed Sally and then I took a shower. I actually had time to wash, dry and straighten my hair before Sally started crying. By the time I had done all those things, I took Sally and all her dirty bottles, the bottle warmer, the diaper carrier, and the boppy seat downstairs. Before I headed downstairs, I listened at Ava's door to see if I heard her. Sure enough, she was making quiet little noises. I put Sally in the boppy seat in the pack n play and then headed up to get Ava.
I got Miss Ava out of bed and changed her diaper upstairs. Then we headed down and I put her in her high chair. She ate a yogurt pouch, some cheerios, and a breakfast bar. Then she played for a while. While Ava was eating, I made Apple Cinnamon muffins and let Winston outside to go potty.
Once Ava was done eating, she got out of her high chair and played with her toys while I listened to Good Morning America. I finished making the muffins. While those were cooking in the oven, I folded towels and put the sheets in the dryer.
After that, I offered Ava a muffin in her high chair and we had muffins together. While eating our muffins, I read some of my book we are reading in my Tuesday hometeam.
Then, Ava played some more. At 9:30 am, my friend came over to keep me company. I fed Sally at 9:30 am and then handed her to Kristi to hold. Kristi held Sally the majority of the time she was there. Ava occupied herself and played well by herself while I talked to Kristi. I did have Frozen playing in the background. Ava watched and drank her milk while playing.
Around 11:00 am, I took Ava up for her nap. I didn't even read to her because I had a friend over. She didn't seem to mind. She went right down for me. She slept until 1:00 pm.
I got Ava at around 1:00 (maybe a little after) to eat lunch. She had grapes, cheese, turkey, and an English muffin with grape jelly on it. I fed Sally around 12:30 pm. While Ava is eating Sally had moments of fussiness. I would hold her and then realized she exploded in her diaper. So, I changed her which seemed to make all things better.
After we ate lunch, we went on a walk. Getting in the stroller was a little more tricky. There was a random dog outside and it was barking at me and my kids in my own garage. Ava was extremely interested in this dog that came right up to her. Turns out, my neighbor is dog sitting and this little dog is an escape artist. I put Sally in her car seat and then strapped Ava in the front. Then I had a couple free hands to put the car seat into the stroller. We went on a walk and enjoyed the 70 degrees weather.
When we came home, I gave Ava a snack of a few animal cookies and her milk. She played for a few minutes and then Ava sat in the baby swing and drank her milk and watched Tangled. She actually giggled as I turned it on. She watched that and around 3:00 pm I fed Sally. Sally left about an ounce and a half. She was already asleep. Around 3:30 pm I took them both upstairs. We put Sally in her crib for a nap. I took Ava into her room and she had her lamby and we read 3 stories. Then I put her in the crib. It is 4:40 and she is still not asleep. She is just in her room talking and playing. Whatever!
At 4:00 pm, I ate a snack and watched Dr. Phil. And here I am now. Curtis texted about 10 minutes ago that he was on his way home. So we have made it. I did it! Thank you to God who equipped me with enough sleep and perseverance to be the mommy I needed to be today!
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