Ava is now 15 months old. She has taken on a change that makes me sad because i feel it is my fault. She loves on her sister but she is reacting in ways that aren't her normal self. She arches her back over anything that doesn't go her way. Changing her diaper has become World War 3. Feeding her is like meeting a lion on an African safari head on.
Her 15th month is such a whirlwind with Sally coming and all. I hate that I have missed moments of this month because we have a new baby to take care of, we are sleep deprived, and I am just an emotional mess.
This month she has taken a lack of interest in eating. She just does not have time for that. She eats a few bites of something and then stands up, backwards, in her high chair. However, she has really taken a liking to her milk. She doesn't want to be confined in any spot, unless it is of her choosing.
She is still sleeping well (Thank goodness!) So far, Sally screaming at night doesn't seem to disturb her. I hope that continues.
I know that when I was pregnant with Ava, Curtis and I said we weren't going to let her watch tv until she was like 4. Ha! She knows all the scary parts of Brave and all the funny parts of Tangled and all the fun songs to dance to in Frozen. So epic failure there, but with a new baby and a 15 month old, you enter total and complete survival mode. If it keeps Ava entertained and out of trouble, then what the heck!?!?!
Since Sally has come, Ava has a sudden interest in pacifiers, bottles, the baby swing and cradle. She is very interested in Sally. One time, I had put Sally in the cradle and walked over to wash bottles. I look over and Ava is standing by the cradle. I decided it might be a good idea to go take a peak at what could be going on. Good thing I did. Ava had Sally's head pulled all the way over to the side of the cradle. Sally wasn't upset or disturbed by it.
Things I loved about this month:
~ trying to hug Sally
~trying to take Sally from mommy because she thinks she has things under control
~helping burp Sally
~walking the dog on a leash
~putting her shapes into the shape sorter
~trying new foods and saying "ummm"
~attempting to say thank you
~helping throw diapers away
~random hugs and kisses (she saves a lot of those for daddy when he gets home)
~when she gives hugs she says "awwww"
~her nasally NOOOO
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