30 Weeks
How far to go? 63 days
Baby? Sally should be about 3 pounds. She should be about the size a head of cabbage. She is approximately 18 inches and 3.2 lbs. according the the What to Expect app. However, I am wondering if my baby is a bit bigger.
Maternity Clothes: I basically live in my Maternity Skinny Jeans and boots. I also love my cotton long sleeved shirts from Target's maternity section.
Stretch Marks: I am noticing them a little on my stomach and elsewhere...
Pregnancy Symptoms: I go to the bathroom a lot! I am having a few headaches. My lower abdomen hurts at times. I sometimes have sharp pains there. Definite backaches all over my back, especially my left hip. I am very forgetful and sleepy. Not a lot of energy is coming my way. There are a few other things going on that I won't mention on here....embarrassing!
Sleeping: I have noticed since recent events have come and gone (haha) I am able to rest much better now. I have to sleep on my side and am finding myself more comfortable on my left side. Getting from one side to the other is comical I am sure for my husband to watch, but annoying when he is asleep and I am moving and shaking the bed as I roll way one to the other.
Best feeling this week: Getting my 3 hour glucose test over with...and now we wait....
Movement: This little lady hardly ever needs me to do a kick count because she moves so much. I feel her so well. I feel like I feel her much better than I did Ava. I am wondering if it is because my placenta is in the back of the uterus this time instead of the front like it was with Ava. Or, is Sally just measuring bigger than Ava did. I hope it is my first idea rather than my second idea.
Cravings/Aversions: Sweets, bread, and I am enjoying mangoes.
Belly Button: In, but it is a little more pushed out than normal.
What I miss: I miss not worrying about if I am doing anything or not doing enough of something that could be hurting or helping Sally.
What am I looking forward to: I am looking forward to seeing Sally from head to toe and counting her fingers and toes and meeting a healthy, well developing little girl.
The 3 hour glucose test was not fun. I know it is not the worst thing to have to do in the world, but I would rather not have to do it ever again! You have to fast for 10 hours before hand and then they draw blood for a fasting blood draw. Then you drink a nasty, sugary drink (just like the one you do for the one hour screening). You have 5 minutes to drink it. Then they draw your blood every hour from the minute you finished the drink. So, you get a total of 4 blood draws and you just pray that the person drawing your blood is good and gets it the first time. 3 out of 4 times I got my favorite person who draws blood in the lab. I was also told I look like I am about to pop and that I looked like I was having twins since I have 9 weeks and 6 days left to go. NICE!
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