12 Months
My dear, sweet Ava is 12 months old now. We have been blessed to have her in our lives for a whole year now. I can't believe it. I was pretty emotional over it, and being 28 weeks pregnant doesn't help with the emotions. While we were waiting to give her a birth minute kiss (I know...dorky) Curtis and I were looking at her 1st month pictures. It is so amazing how much she has changed since then. It seems just like yesterday we were meeting her for the first time. Oh, how I love that little girl.
Ava is growing by leaps and bounds. Her one year checkup is on the 13th, so I don't have official weight and growth measurements, but she seems to be doing well and growing. She is wearing 12-18 month clothing. She is in size 4 diapers. She is still drinking 3 bottles per day with 8 ounces of formula and/or milk. Often we do half in half in each bottle. So far we have seen no milk allergy, but she doesn't seem to be too big of a cold drink fan. We are still struggling with food. I think it is mostly a mommy problem. I want to give her big people food, but I worry because she doesn't hardly get any of it into her mouth. It either ends up on the floor or in her high chair seat. It leads me to think she isn't getting enough nutrients. So I feel better when I can feed her myself the baby food. Right now, it just seems easiest over me worrying. I hope her doctor can point me in the right direction here and I hope Ava is growing as she should so I will know that what we are doing is okay for now until she is more open to eating chunkier food. She is also still not a fan of holding her bottles, and I admit, I still enjoy giving those to her. I worry about when little sis comes and me having to give them both bottles, but I don't want Ava to grow up too fast. I just don't know if it is something I should be pushing or not.
Ava is a full time walker and has gotten so fast this past week. She sometimes looks like she is about to take off running. It's pretty cute and she is such a toughie. She falls and gets right back up, no fuss. She has learned at the beginning of her birthday week that she can get up without needing mommy, daddy, or a chair to help her. She just pushes off the ground.
She made a trip to Ohio during her 12th month for Thanksgiving. She adjusted well to her schedule there and the long car ride. She was very happy even when she missed her naps. She is a trooper and so flexible.
Ava likes to say baby and bye bye. She says mamee and dada for mommy and daddy. She still doesn't say it without being prompted. Sometimes she will say all done. She is constantly babbling and talking (in her own way). She is so expressive...not sure where that comes from ;) Her mommy's side of the family is extremely expressive in all they do. I love when she is really trying to tell you something and she gets this serious look on her face and her eyes are real big and she is nodding at you as she "talks". She loves to play peek-a-boo. She has discovered she can hide behind the curtains and play peek-a-boo with us. It is cute. She still likes to sit in her bouncy chair and go crazy in that. Not sure when the cut off date for that is, but she still likes it and sometimes it allows mommy and daddy to eat without being interrupted. She has also learned to use her brush to "brush" her hair.
She is catching on to the concept of "No" and she listens when she wants to. I have been surprised with the small amount of time she spends trying to get into the Christmas trees. She will attempt occasionally, but she does it a lot less often than I anticipated.
She has been upgraded to a transition car seat. I don't think she is going to make it to 2 years sitting rear facing because her legs are getting so long.
This child usually has a smile on her face. When she doesn't, it is either because she is super tired or something didn't go her way.
Her nighttime routine is still effective. She has become so wiggly during story time. She enjoys the stories, but wants to move around the chair too. She loves mommy's voices as she reads and loves when the book has a song involved.
Things I have loved about this month:
~Her constant babbling
~Her serious talking face
~Her giggles
~How she has to have something in her hands when she is walking around
~Her love for tupperware
~How she sucks her thumb and play with my hair with her other hand
~How she likes to hold hands when she is eating and sitting in her carseat.
~She finds things in Disney movies humorous
~How she is such a ham!
~She doesn't mind sitting to put on shoes...I think she feels like a big girl
~Her open mouth kisses
~When she just walks up to you while you are doing something and gives you a hug
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