Monday, December 30, 2013

32 Weeks

32 Weeks
How far along? 32 weeks and 0 days.

How far to go?   56 days

Due Date: February 24, 2014 BUT C-SECTION IS SCHEDULED FOR FEBRUARY 18TH! So really I have 7 weeks and 1 day left.

Baby? Sally is probably 3 1/2 lbs. about the size of a cantalope.  She is about 16.7 inches long.  She is definitely taking up a good portion of my uterus right now.  From this point on Sally will be growing the fastest she has ever grown.  She has finger and toenails now and if she has any hair, it should be there by now.        

Maternity Clothes:  Lately I just want to wear my jammies and loose tshirts or tank tops.    

Stretch Marks: I am noticing them a little on my stomach and elsewhere...

Pregnancy Symptoms: I have to use the restroom often.  I also have been having major middle back pain, heartburn/indigestion, hip pain, breathlessness, slightly nauseous, few headaches, sore lower abdomin, some periods of itchiness on my tummy (especially around my c-section scar, and some other unmentionable pregnancy symptoms.

Sleeping:  I wake up often on my back and then I wonder how long I have been laying that way.  I toss and turn a lot and have to go to the bathroom quite frequently.  I am often hot while sleeping so I don't sleep with many blankets, sometimes none.      

Best feeling this week:  Normal glucose results and playing with Ava and being reminded of how precious these lives are

Movement: Sally Jean moves a lot.  Her existence in my belly is very noticeable.  She rolls, kicks and hits.  Last night she got be in the ribs.  I swear it was so hard, I could hear the kick.  Sometimes it feels like she is kicking on one end and punching on the other end all at the same time.  She also makes weird, frequent movements in my lower abdomin.   

Cravings/Aversions:  chocolate and peanut butter....nothing really healthy.  I really want some root beer, too.   

Belly Button: In, but it is a little more pushed out than normal.

What I miss: I miss sleeping on my stomach.  I miss not feeling so huge and heavy when I walk around.  I miss not feeling like I might bust when I bend over to pick things up off of the floor.   

What am I looking forward to: I am looking forward to having her room done...if that ever happens. 

I went to the doctor the day after Christmas.  I saw Dr. Wicker.  He is the one who delivered Ava via c-section and he will be the one to deliver Sally via c-section, unless she decides to come early.  I told him I felt huge and he said I was measuring right on target.  He also said that all my blood results and glucose results were normal.  At this point in the game, I am 168 lbs.!  YIKES!!!!  That is a lot of weight.  I have never weighed that in my life and hope to lose it as quickly as I can.  It didn't help that I gained so much weight after I had Ava.  I hope that I can get back to walking more regularly once I am given the okay and that I can begin making much healthier, safer eating and diet choices.  

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Author and Perfector of Our Faith

The Author and Perfector of Our Faith 

Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,  fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:1-2

Jesus is the author and perfector of our faith.  He is writing our faith story.  That is how I read those verses today. 

I am always wondering about what story do I have to tell.  What is my great testimony? What is my faith story?  Truth is, I don't know.  Fact is, it is not done yet.  Jesus is still writing it and perfecting it.  What I have failed to ask myself as I have wondered about my faith story is, Am I writing this story or is God? 

The answer to that-I have spent most of my life getting in the way of letting God write my story.  It's a control thing.  I think that I have to plan out every aspect of my life. I think that I have to know exactly what is going on.  I think I know what is best for my life.  But where has that gotten me?  Nowhere, really. 

Instead, I am constantly seeking this huge story.  I think my faith story has to be extravagant.  Some unforgettable, life-changing sequence of events that makes me this memorable person who changed so many lives.   

The truth of the matter is, my faith story may not be anything extraordinary.  I look at Katie, who is over in Africa.  I don't know her at all.  But her stories I read on her blog are amazing, moving, and make you want to be a better person. You should check her blog out:    That may never be what my faith story looks like.  But I need to remember that is okay.  I tend to minimalize the job that God has given me-to be a mommy to Ava and my little one who is on the way.  And parenting is a tough job (and Ava is only a year old).  I don't want to just be Ava's mom, but I want to make sure that Ava is being shown by example how to be a godly woman.  In this world we live in, that task is daunting.  Downright scary. And I am so imperfect.  I fail at godliness daily.   Maybe my raising of Ava and Sally are going to be a big part of my faith story.  I don't know.  But I am learning that is doesn't have to be some huge story that captivates everyone.  I just need to captivate God and I need to allow Him to do the writing and perfecting of that story. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

30 Weeks

30 Weeks
How far along? 30 weeks and 2 days.

How far to go?   63 days


Baby? Sally should be about 3 pounds. She should be about the size a head of cabbage. She is approximately 18 inches and 3.2 lbs. according the the What to Expect app.  However, I am wondering if my baby is a bit bigger.      

Maternity Clothes:  I basically live in my Maternity Skinny Jeans and boots.  I also love my cotton long sleeved shirts from Target's maternity section.   

Stretch Marks: I am noticing them a little on my stomach and elsewhere...

Pregnancy Symptoms: I go to the bathroom a lot! I am having a few headaches.  My lower abdomen hurts at times.  I sometimes have sharp pains there.  Definite backaches all over my back, especially my left hip.  I am very forgetful and sleepy.  Not a lot of energy is coming my way.  There are a few other things going on that I won't mention on here....embarrassing!

Sleeping:  I have noticed since recent events have come and gone (haha) I am able to rest much better now.  I have to sleep on my side and am finding myself more comfortable on my left side.  Getting from one side to the other is comical I am sure for my husband to watch, but annoying when he is asleep and I am moving and shaking the bed as I roll way one to the other.     

Best feeling this week:  Getting my 3 hour glucose test over with...and now we wait....

Movement: This little lady hardly ever needs me to do a kick count because she moves so much.  I feel her so well.  I feel like I feel her much better than I did Ava.  I am wondering if it is because my placenta is in the back of the uterus this time instead of the front like it was with Ava.  Or, is Sally just measuring bigger than Ava did.  I hope it is my first idea rather than my second idea. 

Cravings/Aversions:  Sweets, bread, and I am enjoying mangoes. 

Belly Button: In, but it is a little more pushed out than normal.

What I miss: I miss not worrying about if I am doing anything or not doing enough of something that could be hurting or helping Sally.   

What am I looking forward to:   I am looking forward to seeing Sally from head to toe and counting her fingers and toes and meeting a healthy, well developing little girl. 

The 3 hour glucose test was not fun.  I know it is not the worst thing to have to do in the world, but I would rather not have to do it ever again!  You have to fast for 10 hours before hand and then they draw blood for a fasting blood draw.  Then you drink a nasty, sugary drink (just like the one you do for the one hour screening). You have 5 minutes to drink it. Then they draw your blood every hour from the minute you finished the drink.  So, you get a total of 4 blood draws and you just pray that the person drawing your blood is good and gets it the first time.  3 out of 4 times I got my favorite person who draws blood in the lab.  I was also told I look like I am about to pop and that I looked like I was having twins since I have 9 weeks and 6 days left to go.  NICE!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Ava's First Birthday

Ava Turned One!

Ava's birthday party was on December 7th, 2013 and it was a success.  I was worried that it wouldn't be special enough, because we didn't go all out.  I only got balloons and toule to put around her high chair as decorations.  We also had pictures of her around the kitchen table and rolling through on the TV.  Curtis and I made owl cupcakes, chicken salad with crackers, chips and salsa, Turkey and Cheese sliders, cheese and pretzel sticks, lemonade, water with lemons, various sodas and coffee.  My mom made Ava's owl smashcake.  It turned out perfect!  The whole thing.  We had family and some close friends there.  We kept the guest list small, but it was perfect.  She loved all the attention. 
Ava wore a Lolly Wolly Doodle dress. It was green with white polka dots.  I pinned a red bow on it to dress it up a bit more and she was supposed to wear a red head band, but that didn't last long...shocker. 

She went with me to get her balloons from Party City.  She got to watch them blow them up and she kept saying "oooooooh." The ladies there were surprised she wasn't scared of the noise because most kids her age are.  But, Ava is fearless of most things. 
She got to play with her big cousins and get held by lots of family and friends on her party day.  She didn't show much interest in opening her presents.  She wanted to walk around.  Mommy opened most of them with the help of her niece, Maddie.  She gots lots of cool new toys and cute clothes.  Mommy was super excited about the new toys because mommy was getting bored with the same old toys we have been playing with the past year. 

When we sang "Happy Birthday" to her, she sat in her chair looking at everyone confused and somewhat bashful.  We put the cake in front of her and at first it looked like she was going to dive in, but she took her merry, sweet time.  She liked the taste of it and really enjoyed the oreo cookies on it.  One time I took the cake plate away to see what she would do and she was not in favor of me doing that.  After it felt like an eternity for her to demolish the cake, we took it away.  Aunt Kelly and Daddy took her for a much needed, immediate bath.  Aunt Kelly got bath duty for the encouragement she gave Ava to wash her hair with cake and icing all over her hands.  Mommy was a basketcase as the mess kept mounding.  I am a little OCD with mess.  Mommy and daddy were pleased to see there were no allergic reactions to the cake.  We worry about these things, because we hadn't exposed her to that stuff.  We were waiting on her first birthday, but we still don't want to fill her belly with junk.  I want her to get to liking fruits and veggies first before she likes the unhealthy stuff. 

Ava was spoiled with gifts and love on her special day.  I am so thankful for those that came over to our house on their Saturday afternoon to watch a one year old open presents and take FOREVER to eat some cake.  It meant so much to us that they would want to be a part of her special day. 


12 Months

12 Months
My dear, sweet Ava is 12 months old now.  We have been blessed to have her in our lives for a whole year now.  I can't believe it.  I was pretty emotional over it, and being 28 weeks pregnant doesn't help with the emotions.  While we were waiting to give her a birth minute kiss (I know...dorky) Curtis and I were looking at her 1st month pictures.  It is so amazing how much she has changed since then.  It seems just like yesterday we were meeting her for the first time.  Oh, how I love that little girl. 
Ava is growing by leaps and bounds.  Her one year checkup is on the 13th, so I don't have official weight and growth measurements, but she seems to be doing well and growing.  She is wearing 12-18 month clothing.  She is in size 4 diapers.  She is still drinking 3 bottles per day with 8 ounces of formula and/or milk.  Often we do half in half in each bottle.  So far we have seen no milk allergy, but she doesn't seem to be too big of a cold drink fan.  We are still struggling with food.  I think it is mostly a mommy problem.  I want to give her big people food, but I worry because she doesn't hardly get any of it into her mouth.  It either ends up on the floor or in her high chair seat.  It leads me to think she isn't getting enough nutrients.  So I feel better when I can feed her myself the baby food.  Right now, it just seems easiest over me worrying.  I hope her doctor can point me in the right direction here and I hope Ava is growing as she should so I will know that what we are doing is okay for now until she is more open to eating chunkier food.  She is also still not a fan of holding her bottles, and I admit, I still enjoy giving those to her.  I worry about when little sis comes and me having to give them both bottles, but I don't want Ava to grow up too fast.  I just don't know if it is something I should be pushing or not. 
Ava is a full time walker and has gotten so fast this past week.  She sometimes looks like she is about to take off running.  It's pretty cute and she is such a toughie.  She falls and gets right back up, no fuss.  She has learned at the beginning of her birthday week that she can get up without needing mommy, daddy, or a chair to help her.  She just pushes off the ground. 
She made a trip to Ohio during her 12th month for Thanksgiving.  She adjusted well to her schedule there and the long car ride.  She was very happy even when she missed her naps.  She is a trooper and so flexible. 
Ava likes to say baby and bye bye.  She says mamee and dada for mommy and daddy.  She still doesn't say it without being prompted.  Sometimes she will say all done.  She is constantly babbling and talking (in her own way).  She is so expressive...not sure where that comes from ;)  Her mommy's side of the family is extremely expressive in all they do.  I love when she is really trying to tell you something and she gets this serious look on her face and her eyes are real big and she is nodding at you as she "talks".  She loves to play peek-a-boo.  She has discovered she can hide behind the curtains and play peek-a-boo with us.  It is cute.  She still likes to sit in her bouncy chair and go crazy in that.  Not sure when the cut off date for that is, but she still likes it and sometimes it allows mommy and daddy to eat without being interrupted.  She has also learned to use her brush to "brush" her hair. 
She is catching on to the concept of "No" and she listens when she wants to.  I have been surprised with the small amount of time she spends trying to get into the Christmas trees.  She will attempt occasionally, but she does it a lot less often than I anticipated. 
She has been upgraded to a transition car seat.  I don't think she is going to make it to 2 years sitting rear facing because her legs are getting so long. 
This child usually has a smile on her face.  When she doesn't, it is either because she is super tired or something didn't go her way. 
Her nighttime routine is still effective.  She has become so wiggly during story time.  She enjoys the stories, but wants to move around the chair too.  She loves mommy's voices as she reads and loves when the book has a song involved. 
Things I have loved about this month:
~Her constant babbling
~Her serious talking face
~Her giggles
~How she has to have something in her hands when she is walking around
~Her love for tupperware
~How she sucks her thumb and play with my hair with her other hand
~How she likes to hold hands when she is eating and sitting in her carseat.
~She finds things in Disney movies humorous
~How she is such a ham!
~She doesn't mind sitting to put on shoes...I think she feels like a big girl
~Her open mouth kisses
~When she just walks up to you while you are doing something and gives you a hug

28 weeks

28 Weeks

How far along? 28 weeks and 6 days.

How far to go?   days to go!

Due Date: February 24, 2014

Baby? Sally should be about 2.5 pounds and 16 inches long. She should be able to hiccup, cough, practice breathing, and suck now.  She should also be dreaming during the REM cycle of sleeping.    

Maternity Clothes:  I am in maternity clothes all the time now.  I LOVE my maternity skinny jeans.  

Stretch Marks: I have a couple on my belly and other places...:(

Pregnancy Symptoms: my hunger never seems satisfied, I don't feel like anything I eat converts to energy, tired, sleeplessness, braxton hicks, sciatica on the right side, and a few unmentionables.

Sleeping: I have not been sleeping as comfortably. I get up atleast 2 times per night to go to the bathroom. I toss and turn....this little booger lays right down on the bladder.

Best feeling this week:  Sally kicking me so hard it hurt...just a reminder that she is in there and growing and active. Hearing her heartbeat.  Her heart rate was 136.

Movement: She is a mover and a shaker.  I haven't had to sit and be quiet to do her movement counts because she moves a lot.  She is loving the bladder.  Lindsay, the midwife, said she isn't head down, which doesn't surprise me.  The girl seems all over the place.    

Cravings/Aversions: I am craving much of what I don't need to be eating. 

Belly Button: In.

What I miss: Being able to sleep through the night and not be in pain when I am sleeping. My hips start to hurt when I lay on my sides too long. Unfortunately, laying on your sides in the recommended way to lay instead of on your back.  And there is no possible way I could sleep on my belly...there's a big bulge and a sweet baby in the way. 

What am I looking forward to:   Figuring out what we are going to do with Sally's room.

This week I was screened for gestational diabetes.  I failed.  My numbers were 143.  I can't remember what the cut off is for pregnant women.  I was extremely upset over the news and cried and pouted most of that day.  I now have to go to the 3 hour screening to see if I actually have it.  That is scheduled for 8:45 on the 16th of December.   

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Thanksgiving in Ohio

We had a wonderful time in Ohio for Thanksgiving.  This was our first road trip since Ava has started walking.  On our way there, she wasn't too thrilled and I was worried it was because of her new car seat, but really I think it was because she doesn't like being confined now.  She did a great job on our way home, though. She didn't fuss at all!  We were really proud of her.  She enjoyed showing all my family her new skill at walking and getting into everything!  She also showed them how she likes to drop to the ground when something gets taken from her or she doesn't get her way...little turkey.   She slept wonderfully at nights and did great during the days when she didn't always get her normal 2 naps.  Mommy and daddy were tired...those little legs can wear an adult out! 
Ava in the car seat on our way there!

The ride there was a little yucky.  It snowed almost the whole way and the wind was really scary.  I was seriously worried the car may tip over.  It didn't help to see a semi-truck tip over and thankfully, the guard rail saved him from falling over the mountain.  I was glad to get out of those mountains.

Anyway, it was so great to be with family.  I LOVE my parents and siblings, but I also love my extended family in Ohio.  It is amazing how we can be so far away from each other, yet have such a close relationship.  I wouldn't trade them for anything!  We were able to laugh and enjoy each others company and while one very important person was missing, our grandpa, we were able to laugh and tell stories about him. Thanksgiving evening, we watched OLD home movies of all of us.  It was awesome to see our grandpa right there in the middle of all the kids playing.  He was a great grandpa and he is dearly missed.  Looking around at all of us while watching those movies, hearing all the laughter, I couldn't help but think of how proud he is of us and how he was looking down at us so glad we were together and he was probably thinking, as he use to say, "Yep, Look at what I started!"
Ava sitting in a high chair that has also sat 18 other grandbabies and great grandbabies

On Friday, I got to see my aunt Candy and Uncle Ken, my mom's sister and husband.  It has been a long time since I got to see them.  They got to meet Ava for the first time.  She had a great time walking around their big, really cool house! It is a old horse stable converted into a house...really neat.  I use to LOVE playing over there.  It was funny to hear her and mom talk about their childhood and I was so thankful I got to see has been too long! 

We headed back on Saturday instead of Sunday because we were worried traffic would be horrible on Sunday, which I am sure it was! As always, it was hard to say goodbye and tears were flowing in all three cars.  We stopped at our usual Bob Evans before crossing the Ohio State border and we got some pictures of the kids in front of the wagon that is dressed up for Christmas. At one point, Ava needed a diaper change, and I did not want to stop. We were about an hour away from home, so I got the bright idea to change her in the car seat.  Would not have been so bad if there hadn't been poop hiding in there.  I will NEVER do that again!  It was awful, but, needless to say, it did get done! 
Ava and her cousins in front of the wagon at Bob Evans. 
The house in the background is where Bob Evans use to live. 


We had a great time and I am so thankful to God for keeping us safe and allowing us that time together.  Now, time to get ready for Ava to turn 1!
Ava playing on our way home