I hate to admit this, but when all my teacher friends were getting their classrooms ready and beginning the creative process for their exciting plans for the year, I began to miss my job. I didn't understand it and I didn't want to feel that way. I felt so ungrateful for the bountiful blessings God has poured down on us. However, at the same time, I realized that this feeling of wanting to be setting up my own classroom would quickly fade 4 weeks from now and I would be wishing, hoping, praying to be home with my baby girl. I realized how badly I would miss her and miss out on all the new things she would experience and be able to do.
Amazingly, the week school actually started and I heard children outside waiting on the buses and as I let my dog out to go the the bathroom and saw families rushing around to get in their car and to school on time I was quickly reminded of how blessed I am.
I am blessed. I get to walk back into that house and not rush. I get to read my Bible each morning without being in a hurry. I get to eat breakfast if I want to. I get to wait to hear a sweet little voice upstairs as she wakes up. I get to sit on the couch and feed Ava her bottle and then have time to snuggle with her. I get to clean my house. I get to play with Ava and watch her grow every day. I get to see the things that interest her and I get to see the new things she likes. I get to see every smile, every tear, every yawn. I get to change every stinky diaper. I get to dress her and put headbands in her hair. I get to cuddle her when she tumbles. I get to hold her as she prepares herself for a nap. I get to listen to music of my choosing or watch a TV show. I get to read books that interest me. I get to catch up with friends. I get to back brownies in the middle of the day. I get to take mid-day walks. I get to go to mommy Bible studies. I get to go shopping or out to eat in the middle of the day. I get to decide if I want to dry my hair or just let it dry itself into a crazy, curly mess.
I am blessed.
God, I am so thankful for where you have put me today and every day. I am so thankful for the many blessings you have showered me with. I am so thankful for the countless moments I get to spend with this sweet little girl. I am so thankful that I can read your word in quietness and no rush. I am so thankful and I know that I don't always act that way, but Father, I am. Thank you for blessing me despite all my failures and all the times I am so undeserving.
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