Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Our Typical Daily Schedule

6:30-7:30 Mommy wakes up
7:30-8:00 Mommy reads the Bible and drinks her protein shake
8:00-8:30 Ava wakes up-gets a diaper change and puts on her clothes for the day
8:30-9:00 Ava gets her first 8 oz. bottle and morning snuggle time
9:00-10:00 Ava plays-she usually roams around the kitchen and family room, destroys her bib and burp cloth baskets, bangs on the back door, hangs on mommy, plays with her magnetic letters, plays with her actual toys, we may take a walk if the weather isn't too muggy or cold
10:00-10:30 Breakfast -usually oatmeal with fruit
10:30-11:00 playtime and slow down for a nap, if weather is nice we take a walk
11:00-?Ava naps-depends on the day how long she will nap
I usually get her by 1:30 or 2:00 is she hasn't woken up yet and she will eat lunch-usually some veggies and yogurt and puffs
2:00-3:00diaper change and play time doing her normal round of things
3:00 afternoon 8 oz. bottle
3:30-4:30 playtime
4:30 afternoon short nap
5:30 dinner-veggies and fruit
6:00 mommy and daddy eat dinner and Ava plays in her high chair, bouncy seat or pack and play
6:30 mommy and daddy like to take a walk with Ava if weather is nice if not we play
7:30-8:00 nighttime 8 oz. bottle
8:00 bath and jammies are on, we read a Bible story and a couple of other stories
8:30 Lights out!

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