Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Overwhelmingly Blessed

I hate to admit this, but when all my teacher friends were getting their classrooms ready and beginning the creative process for their exciting plans for the year, I began to miss my job.  I didn't understand it and I didn't want to feel that way.  I felt so ungrateful for the bountiful blessings God has poured down on us.  However, at the same time, I realized that this feeling of wanting to be setting up my own classroom would quickly fade 4 weeks from now and I would be wishing, hoping, praying to be home with my baby girl.  I realized how badly I would miss her and miss out on all the new things she would experience and be able to do. 

Amazingly, the week school actually started and I heard children outside waiting on the buses and as I let my dog out to go the the bathroom and saw families rushing around to get in their car and to school on time I was quickly reminded of how blessed I am. 

I am blessed.  I get to walk back into that house and not rush.  I get to read my Bible each morning without being in a hurry.  I get to eat breakfast if I want to.  I get to wait to hear a sweet little voice upstairs as she wakes up.  I get to sit on the couch and feed Ava her bottle and then have time to snuggle with her.  I get to clean my house.  I get to play with Ava and watch her grow every day.  I get to see the things that interest her and I get to see the new things she likes.  I get to see every smile, every tear, every yawn.  I get to change every stinky diaper. I get to dress her and put headbands in her hair. I get to cuddle her when she tumbles.   I get to hold her as she prepares herself for a nap.  I get to listen to music of my choosing or watch a TV show.  I get to read books that interest me.  I get to catch up with friends.  I get to back brownies in the middle of the day.  I get to take mid-day walks.  I get to go to mommy Bible studies.  I get to go shopping or out to eat in the middle of the day.  I get to decide if I want to dry my hair or just let it dry itself into a crazy, curly mess. 

I am blessed. 

God, I am so thankful for where you have put me today and every day.  I am so thankful for the many blessings you have showered me with.  I am so thankful for the countless moments I get to spend with this sweet little girl.  I am so thankful that I can read your word in quietness and no rush.  I am so thankful and I know that I don't always act that way, but Father, I am.  Thank you for blessing me despite all my failures and all the times I am so undeserving. 

Our Typical Daily Schedule

6:30-7:30 Mommy wakes up
7:30-8:00 Mommy reads the Bible and drinks her protein shake
8:00-8:30 Ava wakes up-gets a diaper change and puts on her clothes for the day
8:30-9:00 Ava gets her first 8 oz. bottle and morning snuggle time
9:00-10:00 Ava plays-she usually roams around the kitchen and family room, destroys her bib and burp cloth baskets, bangs on the back door, hangs on mommy, plays with her magnetic letters, plays with her actual toys, we may take a walk if the weather isn't too muggy or cold
10:00-10:30 Breakfast -usually oatmeal with fruit
10:30-11:00 playtime and slow down for a nap, if weather is nice we take a walk
11:00-?Ava naps-depends on the day how long she will nap
I usually get her by 1:30 or 2:00 is she hasn't woken up yet and she will eat lunch-usually some veggies and yogurt and puffs
2:00-3:00diaper change and play time doing her normal round of things
3:00 afternoon 8 oz. bottle
3:30-4:30 playtime
4:30 afternoon short nap
5:30 dinner-veggies and fruit
6:00 mommy and daddy eat dinner and Ava plays in her high chair, bouncy seat or pack and play
6:30 mommy and daddy like to take a walk with Ava if weather is nice if not we play
7:30-8:00 nighttime 8 oz. bottle
8:00 bath and jammies are on, we read a Bible story and a couple of other stories
8:30 Lights out!

Ava is 8 Months!

Ava is 8 Months!!!
I know, I know...I say this all the time but I truly can't believe my little girl is 8 months old.  Actually I am so late in posting this, she will be 9 months next week. 
Where does the time go?  I was quickly reminded of this early in the morning when I couldn't sleep and found myself reading my friends blog on motherhood.  Ava is soooooo active, constantly on the go, and curious about everything.  She is still a rather happy and silly baby.  Right now, she is in her crib just playing, gabbing, and squealing to herself. 
She loves to discover new places in the house and Curtis and I really need to get on the ball with child proofing.  She is making us realize this is going to be a necessity with her, especially when baby 2 gets here. 
She WILL NOT hold her bottle.  We are trying sippy cups with handles to see if that helps but she wants nothing to do with that. 
She is wearing 6-9 month clothing but the pants she quickly grows out of because she is getting so long.  I realized the other night while I was holding her just how much longer she is.  It made me so sad. 
Her favorite toys right now are her stacking cups, a diaper box, pulling the bibs and burp cloths out of their baskets in the kitchen, and playing with the magnetic letters on the fridge.  She will grab a couple letters and crawl around with them. 
She loves going outside and going on walks and bathtime is still one of her favorite things. 
This month she has developed her first cold.  Sniff sniff.  I hate hearing her yucky cough.  She hasn't gotten a fever from it, but her appetite has lessened. 
Last week she was such a trooper doing all the things I wanted to get done.  She even hung out at Poplin while I helped a friend in her classroom for hour upon hour.  She was so good and I was so proud of her.  I love that she can be flexible like that. 
Some of the things I love about this month were:
~finding her in her crib with her babydoll sleeping on top of it...she looks like she has fallen asleep while sitting up playing with it
~getting her out of her crib and her legs are sticking through the slots of the crib and she is sitting up and bouncing
~snuggle time after her morning bottle
~when she sees a phone pointed her way she automatically smiles because she thinks her picture is being taken
~talking to herself in her crib
~helping me unload the dishwasher
~banging on the back door when she is looking outside
~shaking her head no no
~morning hugs when you get her from her crib
~waving hi and bye bye
~trying to do the hand movements to This Little Light of Mine
~open mouth kisses
~giggles when you dance with her and in front of her
~when she tries to tickle me back

Monday, August 12, 2013

Unceasing in prayer

Today I was reading about prayer and how you should always be praying.  Unceasing in prayer means to pray with constant perserverence.  All the time, anywhere, everywhere.  I have read this verse in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 many times.  I thought I understood, but today, for the first time, I have realized that I did not and do not get it.  I struggle with having constant conversations with God on my own.  I get too busy in my daily life to remember Him and go to Him in all things, all the time, anywhere, and everywhere.  Then I read today, that these unceasing prayers are to go beyond just your personal conversations with God to conversations you have with others.  God desires for our hearts to surrender to Him in prayer, during and after conversations with others.  He wants me to go to God on behalf of my friends and pray for them, right there, in front of them, right now!  I witnessed this last week at Chick Fil A with some friends from church and one of Chick Fil A's employees.  She knew one of the ladies I was with personally and knew she needed prayer and came to our table and prayed over her and the rest of us who were with her. I was touched and amazed at her boldness for her heavenly Father and concern for her friend.  I am not that person.  I am too weak and too timid.  And I know that God did not give me a spirit of timidity, but I am too scared of stepping out and opening up.  I want to be that kind and loving lady.  I want to shower others with God's love, grace, and strength.   I want to tell others about His truth and not be scared to share it with those who need Him.   I want my conversations with everyone to be centered around God all the time, anywhere, and everywhere. 

Father God,
Forgive me for my timidity.  Forgive me of my selfishness of keeping You and all the help you can provide others to myself.  Forgive me for allowing Satan a foothold on my life and allowing his lies to take over the truth that You can give me boldness, courage, truth, grace and love to share with others.  Father, I pray that I become more like you and more like this sweet lady who prayed over my friend.  Thank you for her example and for Your word that speaks to me everyday.  Amen!