32 Weeks
How far to go? 56 days
Due Date: February 24, 2014 BUT C-SECTION IS SCHEDULED FOR FEBRUARY 18TH! So really I have 7 weeks and 1 day left.
Baby? Sally is probably 3 1/2 lbs. about the size of a cantalope. She is about 16.7 inches long. She is definitely taking up a good portion of my uterus right now. From this point on Sally will be growing the fastest she has ever grown. She has finger and toenails now and if she has any hair, it should be there by now.
Maternity Clothes: Lately I just want to wear my jammies and loose tshirts or tank tops.
Stretch Marks: I am noticing them a little on my stomach and elsewhere...
Pregnancy Symptoms: I have to use the restroom often. I also have been having major middle back pain, heartburn/indigestion, hip pain, breathlessness, slightly nauseous, few headaches, sore lower abdomin, some periods of itchiness on my tummy (especially around my c-section scar, and some other unmentionable pregnancy symptoms.
Sleeping: I wake up often on my back and then I wonder how long I have been laying that way. I toss and turn a lot and have to go to the bathroom quite frequently. I am often hot while sleeping so I don't sleep with many blankets, sometimes none.
Best feeling this week: Normal glucose results and playing with Ava and being reminded of how precious these lives are
Movement: Sally Jean moves a lot. Her existence in my belly is very noticeable. She rolls, kicks and hits. Last night she got be in the ribs. I swear it was so hard, I could hear the kick. Sometimes it feels like she is kicking on one end and punching on the other end all at the same time. She also makes weird, frequent movements in my lower abdomin.
Cravings/Aversions: chocolate and peanut butter....nothing really healthy. I really want some root beer, too.
Belly Button: In, but it is a little more pushed out than normal.
What I miss: I miss sleeping on my stomach. I miss not feeling so huge and heavy when I walk around. I miss not feeling like I might bust when I bend over to pick things up off of the floor.
What am I looking forward to: I am looking forward to having her room done...if that ever happens.
I went to the doctor the day after Christmas. I saw Dr. Wicker. He is the one who delivered Ava via c-section and he will be the one to deliver Sally via c-section, unless she decides to come early. I told him I felt huge and he said I was measuring right on target. He also said that all my blood results and glucose results were normal. At this point in the game, I am 168 lbs.! YIKES!!!! That is a lot of weight. I have never weighed that in my life and hope to lose it as quickly as I can. It didn't help that I gained so much weight after I had Ava. I hope that I can get back to walking more regularly once I am given the okay and that I can begin making much healthier, safer eating and diet choices.