My mom is a beautiful person inside and out! I am so lucky to have her in my life! My mom did a wonderful job raising me (if I do say so myself). She was very concerned with raising me to be a child of God. I will remember her always praying with me and teaching me in the way I should go. My mom was my mom first. She disciplined me, she taught me right from wrong and she loved me unconditionally. She has very high expectations for me still and has always believed in me. Now, she is not only my mother, but she is my friend. We don't always see eye to eye, we even drive each other crazy, but we are best friends. I am thankful for my mom and the rules she placed in my life. I am thankful that she made me go to a christian college. I am thankful my mom prayed over me. I am thankful she wanted me to meet a good christian guy to be my husband. My mother was always supportive of my dreams and has always wanted to see them through. Mom, there are not near enough words for me to say to you. But I want you to know I love you, I thank you for being a role model on how to be a good mother to my kids one day and I would never be where I am today if you did not love God and want Him to be a part of my life. God did well when He chose you to be my mom. I love you!

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