Tuesday, May 10, 2011

He must become greater; I must become less.
John 3:30

I read this today and it put something on my heart. I am always trying to prove myself to someone...anyone who is willing to look or pay attention to whatever it is I am involved in. I am constantly trying to make myself bigger, better than I really and truthfully am. I must become less....Wow! What a thought! It goes against everything in our society. Everyone is wrapped up in making a name for themselves, proving themselves to someone, becoming better and best at something in someones eyes. But instead this is what I should live by-- "Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." Romans 12:2 I need to let God be bigger. I become less and He becomes more. Even though this feels and may sound selfish, when I become less and God becomes bigger, he will still change me, mold me and make me perfect, pleasing and good.

I have to remember that I may not be destined for monumental things...I may not be an orphanage mom, I may not adopt a lot of kids like Katie in Africa (a blog I read), I may not be like the family in the movie Blind Side. I may lead an ordinary life, or I may not.

"Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?" Romans 9:21

Father, I pray that you will allow me to let you mold me and make me what you need me to be. I ask that you help me to be okay with who ever it is You have purposed me to be. More importantly, I pray that You will help me to live my life for the purposes You have brought me here and that I will always be the person You need and want me to be. It isn't always easy and I know there will be many times I fail. I am not being negative, but I am human. But Father, You are a God of grace and mercy and You love me no matter what. Help me to allow You to be the potter for the lump of clay that I am! :) Help me to remember that even if my life seems ordinary, as long as I am living it for You and doing what You want from me, then my life isn't ordinary, it is extraordinary!!!

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