Well February has been one heck of a month...but I am back and with a vengeance. This month has tested my positivity and joyfulness. I have missed 8 days of work in this short month with tooth trouble and catching the glorious flu. Hopefully my ill felt days are so over! I have spent the past 4 days cuddled up in my cozy feather bed nestled in tight with my furry, fuzzy dog and cat. Going back to work is going to be such a drag. I thought I was bored there for a few days....Now that I went up to work to get a few things so I can plan my next week, I realized that life of sleeping around was a life of luxury. :)
I am in this Bible study right now where we are talking about being women of godly character--being full of joy and contentment. We have talked about how women tend to seem "fearful" to get their way with men...not just our husbands but any man we are around. How we use manipulation to get our way. Now most people I know can attest to the fact that I am the QUEEN of manipulation. I use my persuasive ways on anyone...and I mean anyone...I come in contact with. It isn't something I am proud of but it is the simple truth. I tried really hard while I was lying in bed to not be needlessly needy or manipulative...but its soooo hard. I do have to say that my husband made it super easy for me to not have to use my "powers of persuasion." He did everything he could for me when he was home from scratching and rubbing my aching back, to refilling my drink tab, to going to the store to get me whatever soup I fancied. As I tried to be more mindful of my manipulative ways, I realized this is something I really should work on and improve.
We also talked about how critical we can be....well I am the QUEEN of criticism (especially with my husband). The poor man can't do anything right. I have all the right answers, the right ways things should be done. I have control over all situations...I am the person in the family who makes this family stay afloat. Well, first off, so not true to any of that. God create in me some humility (which I am also lacking in). I do have all the answers. Just maybe not all the right ones. I do like to have control over all situations, but I need to give it up to God. Here is one example of my criticism: Curtis was driving (really enough should be said right there), and we were in the parking lot (again, enough said). He takes like 15 minutes to drive through a parking lot and find a spot when we already passed one or two or three...(you catch my drift) until FINALLY he finds one....oh yea...and it is further away than the one, two, three, etc I found! I am always making snide remarks under my breath or out loud about it....and that is just one out of thousands of ways I am constantly critical of my husband when all he wants and needs from me is a little R.E.S.P.E.C.T.
So, here are the things I am going to make more of an effort to work on: being respectful to my husband instead of critical and being a women of godly character. I want to find joy and contentment in all that I do. I also need to learn some humility. So here is to a new day, a day that God has given me where He can support me in my efforts to be more of the kind of woman He created me to be in the first place. One He will be proud of, one that will make my husband happier and one that will make me more accomplished in the eyes of my heavenly Father!
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