Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I am so blessed. I am reminded of that almost every day, yet don't really thank God for it. God has blessed me and my family with good health, not many financial burdens, a roof over my head and my family's, food on my table, a job, a church that teaches me and helps me grow, love from people around me, a life to live, among so many other things.

But why is it that I am reminded of this fact most when hardship comes to a friend? I have a friend from one of the schools I have worked at who's mom passed away last night. This friend has so many things to deal with in life already and now she has to deal with the death of her mother. Why is it that some people have one thing after another they have to muddle through? Why am I fortunate enough to not?

It is so hard to understand. I know God loves her and she loves God. Why has she been dealt that hand and I haven't? Things in life just don't make sense. I am hurting for this person. Every time she turns around she gets more news of something that would be for most people very difficult to deal with. Every time she turns around it is like she gets another slap in the face. I am proud of her, though. God has given her a strength I don't think I would have. God has shown me through her that He can help you handle and deal with all problems.

Maybe that is why I have not been dealt the cards she has. Maybe I am not strong enough to make it. I pray that my friend will be given more strength from God and those who surround her at this time to deal with the loss of her mother. Losing a mother has got to be a very hard thing to deal with...it is something I truly fear because I love my mother so (and my dad! :)).
I pray that she will find peace and know that her mother is in a safer, pain free place. A place we all get to join back together in one day!

In these times of trouble, I am reminded of my blessings. I am thankful for how easy God has made my life seem. I feel it is selfish, but I continue to pray for these blessings to continue to flow, but I pray that God will send some pain free days to my friend.

Father, God, thank you for all things You have provided. Thank you for the house You provided for Curtis and I. Thank you for the jobs we have to help us earn some money so we can pay for the things we need and also for allowing us to have things we don't need. Father, thank you for my family who have been my constant support system and have shown me unconditional love. Thank you for my mom and dad who have shown me how to love others and how to love and serve and know God. Thank you for my parents who encouraged me and held me accountable for being a person He would be proud of. Thank you for my brother and sister for always looking out for me and taking care of me. I am truly blessed and I pray Father that I can be a blessing to all those I come in contact with. :)

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