Saturday, January 22, 2011

Areas to give up to God

So, its been a few days...finding that when I am teaching all week, even typing on a computer can seem tedious. It has been one week and I have been working on smiling in all things. So here is how I did on that Monday-Friday
Wednesday-check (lasted almost all day)
Thursday-lasted until about noon
Friday-can't give myself a check

haha..noticing a pattern? I am! One other thing that is really interesting is I prayed that I would keep my eyes focused on God Monday and Tuesday. I don't remember praying that any other day or reading The Word.

Hmmm???? So, even though I already know all of this, the only way I can be connected to the vine is if I am listening, talking, and reading about Him each and EVERY DAY.

Another thing on my mind is I have not been content with my weight. I have always been a fairly small person, but am noticing some increased weight gain and I am not liking it one bit. I try to work out but I never stay on a consistent schedule. I try not to snack all day, but that is really hard for me because I love food. So, I need to also work on that, especially after seeing bathing suits out at Target yesterday and being reminded I want to fit in one of those this summer. So, that is another facet of my life I need to give to God.

A third area of life that I really need to give up to God is this:
My husband and I have been married for almost 8 years. We are starting to plan our family. I am really nervous about getting pregnant. I want to but I know if I get pregnant now, I will have to go back to work for a few months until Curtis graduates. I am having a hard time knowing what it is I am more comfortable with--waiting or going ahead and trying. I know that it really doesn't matter what timing I want. I know that if God wants me to get pregnant now, that He will allow it to happen even if it means I have to work for a while. I just need to have faith that God will also provide me with peace in going back to work and not be able to spend all those moments with my child.

So that is really all I have to say. Not much, just areas I have realized need to be given up to God. I have a very hard time with that. I like to have control of things. So, this is a test for me and I hope I can pass it!

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