Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Evelyn is 21 months

This month has been very fun and eventful.
Like that time you got to dress up in your Strawberry costume multiple times...

Or that time when you pretended to drive a tractor...

Or that time you played in the leaves...

Or that time you walked on hay bales...

Or that time you painted your pumpkin...

Or like when you had a blast running back and forth over a wooden bridge...

and like you went tumbling down the slide...😂😂

You are just a busy, busy girl who loves to have tons of fun.  You are a handful to watch wherever we go.  But I wouldn't trade your exuberance for life for nothing!  

You have been super clingy to me.  You want to be held. all. day. It is a daily reminder that this too shall pass and there will be no more holding you one day.  :(

You are a lover of fruit.  You especially love grapes, blueberries, bananas, clementines, oranges, pretzels, veggie chips and dried fruit. Everything else ends up on the floor or fed to the dog.

You like socks which you refer to as sockeys and you like shoes, especially your boots.  You also like to help get yourself dressed by pulling your pants up and getting your arms in your sleeves.  You love bath time, but not the getting-out-of-the-bath time.

You sleep all night and take one nap each day, except days like today where the time change has effected you and you were up at the crack of dawn.  By 9 am you were super cranky, in time-out twice, and needed a nap (you were practically begging for one as you continued to sabotage yourself).  So, days like that you also got a morning nap.

Since you like to be held all.the.time. you make getting school done with the other two kind of hard.  They can seem to tune you out.  I, on the other hand, cannot.  You also want nothing to do with anything "School-like".  You want to play destroy the playroom.  Your complete enthusiasm for destruction has me actually considering getting you boxes and paper for Christmas where you can have a grand 'ol time destroying and saving me money by not having to buy you something that you won't play with.

You do like to sit in your little rocking chair.  You do like to climb and sit on the table and steal your sister's food.  You like to climb the stairs and all over the couch.  You do like to climb onto the school table and undo all my organization.  You do like books, well you like ripping them off the shelves and sometimes ripping the books themselves.  :(

You have a favorite movie.  It use to be Beauty and the Beast (the new one).  Now it is Baby Boss.  You will randomly ask me throughout the day to watch it.  If the girls get to watch any tv that day and they choose something that isn't Baby Boss, you typically get pretty upset over it.

You wear mostly 18-24 month clothing.  You are wearing size 4 and 5 shoes.  You drink about 18 oz. of milk per day (usually).

You really are a lot of fun.  A lot of work.  But still a lot of fun.  I wouldn't want you to be any different.  I love you just the way you are.

We love you, Miss Evelyn Olivia.  God is so good.  You are such a gift to us.  May He put His fingerprints all over you and over all that you do.  And may you do it all for His glory.


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