Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Year's Resolutions

New Year's Resolutions Renewal

I am anxiously awaiting a new book I ordered called My One Word.  While I have been waiting I have been thinking about what my new word could be and these were the words  that were thrown around in my head.  I wish I could focus on every one of them this year because they were being tossed around up there for a reason.  But, I don't do well when I try to do more than one thing at a time, so I think finding "my one word" will be a good idea for me this new year.  I still have no idea what I will narrow it down to, but I look forward to doing the study and coming up with "my one word".  Maybe I should add straight-forward to since I can get so wordy.

Anyway,  I decided that there were some other things I want to do this year.
1) Get back on track with Weight Watchers- When your 4 year old daughter comes up to you today and jiggles your "fat belly" (her words) then you know you have had a little too much indulgence the month of December and need to tone it down and get back on track.  To be honest, I didn't count points all month and it has taken a toll.  I don't think I have actually counted points or watched what I was eating since Halloween (but I digress).  So, I want to get back on it.  I feel better about myself and what we are eating as a whole when I am putting my all into it.

2) Graciousness (I need to add that to my list up there)- I want to be better at extending grace to others.  I am super hard on everyone.  I certainly can be condescending and judgmental.  Lets just say, you all should be super relieved I am not God, and therefore, I am not the judge.  "Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person" Colossians 4:6

3) Choose life-giving words- I want loving words to pour out of me.  I want the words of God to come out of me.  I want THE WORD to easily flow out of my mouth.  I do not want to cause hurt or harm by the things I say.  I want to encourage and uplift others.
"Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building up the one in need and bringing grace to those who listen." Ephesians 4:29 

4)Work on not gossiping-this really could be thrown up there with #2 and #3 but this is a specific thing I need to work on.  I tend to gossip.  It is a real struggle of mine.  I hate it that I struggle with it and I hate it even more when I let my sinful nature do its thing.  So, I would like to say bye bye to it this year.  Whoever spreads gossip betrays confidences; so don't get involved with someone who talks too much." Proverbs 20:19 

5) Do school with the girls 3 times per week-they enjoy the time spent doing it and look forward to it.  I need to make it more of a priority.

6) Delight on the Law of the Lord-I want to wake up in the morning yearning for more of Him.  More of the One who gave me another day, this wonderful life I live.  I want to have His Word dwell deeply into my soul so that it is everything I think about morning, noon, and night.  

I know that I can do this.  God can give me the strength and courage to conquer these things.  Some of them seem like huge mountains to climb, but they aren't.  

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