You are already a one year old. Your first year flew by...somewhat in a fog. You have been an AMAZING baby. You slept like a champ, you are pretty laid back, you are joyful. You have been such a blessing to our lives and to our family. I will never forget the moment I first saw you. It was a moment of pure bliss. You were as beautiful as could be. You were healthy and chunky. The perfect combination. You were a healthy eater (and still are). You struggled with getting your sugars down the first day and into the next morning. You had to get your feet pricked so many times and my heart broke for you. Finally, those sugars regulated and then you had a bit of jaundice, but that quickly subsided and you were, otherwise, very healthy. You were almost a ten pounder. And I loved every ounce, every wrinkle and every roll of you. This was also my birthday. By far, the best, most memorable birthday in my 34 years. I am honored that I get to share that day with you.
And then, you got to meet your sisters for the first time. And what an unforgettable moment that was. Talk about feeling God's love and blessing just saturating me. As I watched you and your two precious sisters, I felt so proud and, yet, so humble at the same time. I couldn't believe God had given me the desires of my heart in such an incredible way. I couldn't believe He loved me that much to bless me with these three beautiful, healthy gifts.
Then we brought you home and I remember being so ready to do this! I couldn't wait to start living the life of a family of 5. I couldn't wait to get you home and for life to begin getting back to normal. I remember being so thankful I wasn't pregnant anymore. I remember never letting my eyes look at anything other than you on the whole ride home. I also remember being exhausted and letting all that was about to happen sink in. When we got home the girls were thrilled. We tried to get back to a normal schedule that very day. I distinctly recall the girls waking up from their naps and screaming and pushing each other away from me because everyone wanted mommy and I remember feeling so overwhelmed, but so content in that moment.
Then life from that week on was a whirlwind. So many things happened this year and I really didn't do that great of a job getting it all down in writing. But here are some parts of that year first year of yours.
Here, you are just so cute.
You use to love swinging in the swing. It was a great thing for you and for me.
Spending time with your sisters is something you typically enjoy. You like being a part of their fun and games.
This was the first successful tummy time. And by successful, I mean you actually didn't scream and fuss during the time.
My first Mother's Day with you as a part of it.
Pretty blue eyes!
You still love to bounce in this thing. You still will fall asleep in it if you are exhausted.
Bath times are a time of pure enjoyment for you. And who could resist that little chunky body in that baby towel?
This is your first month pictures and, of course, your sisters had to get in on the action.
This is one of my favorite pictures of you. Look at how sweet you look. And the best part is, you really are that sweet!
This was at the Memorial Day Parade in Mint Hill.
One day we went walking with Mimi at the park.
I loved to put you in cute little hats.
I remember when you first started smiling and I could never get a picture of it in time. As soon as you started smiling a lot, I couldn't stop trying to capture it.
Your cry face was (and is) pitiful.
You got to go to the pool for the first time with your aunt Kelly and all your cousins. You didn't seem to be a big fan of the cold water.
You loved your first time on the swing.
You began crawling and you were instant busybody.
You traveled to your first apple orchard.
You use to sleep like this. You don't anymore. You are either on your belly or your side most of the time.
I just thought you were cute in this hat.
That smile.
I love this smile, too. You look like a little rascal.
I loved when you were a little older and I could get you to sleep on me.
At one of your well visits.
Riding in the wagon for the first time, which you really enjoy.
Headbands...you despise!
Just a beautiful little lady.
This was when you started sitting up by yourself.
Always so happy and content.
You enjoyed being hauled around in the Ergo baby.
We were at Matthews Alive in these pictures. You had a good time just hanging out.
Another well visit.
In your one hand is your beloved horsey. You carry that thing with you wherever you go.
Is that a headband on your head?
Love this picture Kelly took.
You were a "bee-utiful" bumblebee.
You love to play peek-a-boo.
You had a great time at Disney World.
You look like a giant in this picture. You actually slept soundly at Disney World in the strollers.
Such a happy girl.
You started drinking from a cup some on this day.
And what a great time you had at the park.
There is just so much to love about you. I am so thankful for you. You have been such a joy to have by my side this year. You have become such a companion of mine and I just truly love everything about you.
What a year it has been. I can't wait to see all the amazing and incredible ways God is gong to use in this world. I know He will use you mightily.
Happy First Birthday, sweet Evelyn Olivia!!!!