My bubble loving, toy sharing, twirling little sweetheart. You are such a joy. I have watched you grow up into a sweet four year old. I love your sweet spirit. You are a happy little girl, type-A personality. You love others, you love being imaginative, you love your sisters intensely, you love to play, you love to be outside, you love to splash in puddles, you love to please others. I have loved watching you show others compassion. I am so proud of you. While we were at Disney, you offered your birthday cake to another young girl having a birthday, too. You would willingly give up your side of the stroller because Sally wanted to sit on the side you were on. You would share your food and sweets with Sally and us. You didn't ask for toys the entire time we were there and when we did finally get you your birthday present that you picked out, you were patient and waited the 3 more days until we got home to open it. You picked out a toy for Sally when Daddy took you to pick out your present and you couldn't wait to give it to her. When we got home from Disney you patiently waited for us to open your present until after we unloaded the car . As soon as we got it opened you lovingly shared it with your sister. I was so very proud of your generosity and patience. 
Not every moment or every day is sunshine and roses. You still will whine and cry about absolutely silly things. I think today you have cried over sitting in a certain spot on the couch, sharing a tutu with Sally and having to eat your lunch.
You LOVE to be outside and will find so many things to do. You like to go on treasure hunts, catch wild animals and such. You can take a simple weed or stick and turn it into something really creative.
You love sweets, mostly. You will eat healthier food, but usually it is to get something that isn't healthy afterwards. You still prefer your milk with ovaltine. You enjoy Mac and Cheese, turkey, taco soup, chicken, peas, beans, grapes, apples, fruit pouches, juice (apple or cranberry), crackers, veggie chips, pretzels, goldfish.
You love going places. Every evening after we put you to down to bed, you ask where we are going in the morning. Anywhere is an adventure to you. You love going to the zoo, DISNEY, Mimi and PopPops house, your cousins houses, any friends home, church, and school. You also love having friends over and are really good at sharing your things.
You can also be extremely silly and wild. You pretty much love life.
The biggest part of your 4th year was becoming a big sister for the second time. You handled it like a champ. You are really a very caring big sister to both of your sisters. You take care of them, help them out and do your best to be a good influence.
You love to dress up and wear jewelry.
You loved your teacher, Mrs. Maleah from last year.
You love holding Evelyn.
You love visiting fountains.
You love doing school.
You love to play at Mimi and PopPops
Sweet Frogs is one of your favorites.
You have had to accompany me to many doctor appointments and have done it well!
You started swim lessons and love your teacher, Mr. Christian.
Disney is one of your favorite places to visit. You love Mickey the most.
I think you were tired of taking pictures at this point.
You thought you were magical because you are holding Tinkerbell in this picture.
You have this goofy fake smile you do in most of your pictures.
You loved to count on your fingers to tell everyone how old you were.
Buzz Lightyear was your favorite ride.
You were so very pleasant and such a trooper at Disney. I was impressed by your temperament and resilience.
You rode Seven Dwarfs Mine Train, but was really nervous that any other ride we would be getting on would have hills and go super fast.
You learned how to shuck corn. And you are pretty darn good at it.
You are a great best friend to Sally.
You like trying on new clothes.
These are just a few things about you. There really is so much and if I could sit in front of my computer for several hours I could continue on. But right now you are "sinking into the ground" and Sally is being requested to help you. And it is just too fun to not watch your mind come alive with such creativity. One last thing, though. I remember about 7 years ago thinking that your daddy and I would never be able to have our own kids. Now, we have 3 beautiful, healthy, sassy, fun girls. You were my dream come true, the desire of my heart. God knew how badly I wanted a child and He blessed me beyond my wildest dreams with you. You have been such a wonderful baby, toddler and now 4 year old. I am so proud of you. I am so thankful that God put you in my life. We suit each other. I love you so, so much.
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