My oh. my, Evelyn!!! Where have the past 9 months gone? You are almost a year old. WHAT?!?!?!
You are so very precious to all of us. You are such a social, smiley, happy baby. You don't get upset much, but when you are upset you make it very clear.
You are pretty happy all the time. The only times you seem unhappy is if you are hungry, tired or want your sisters to leave you alone. You also can get upset when mommy leaves you or puts you down or a toy is taken away.
You are eating 3 meals per day plus 3-4 bottles per day. You went through a time when you would never finish your bottles, but you seemed to have phased out of that...for now. You are still wearing size 3 diapers, although it may be time to upgrade to the next size. You are wearing anywhere from 6-12 month clothing.
You LOVE your horsey from Mimi. That has become your comfort when you are tired and sad. You see that in your crib and snuggle right up to it. You also love your caterpillar to play music and your sound machine to soothe you to sleep. I attempt to get you to snuggle with me before naps. Mostly you just want to chit chat and play and grab my face, but today you snuggled...although I also think you may have a cold or are teething.
You love to crawl around and get into things. Things of interest to you right now are: anything on the floor small enough to digest ( and sometimes things that you should not be digesting and mommy has to claw it out of your mouth), the door stops and the fun noise those make, the cabinet doors and the stuff inside them!!!, the diaper basket, the sliding door jam and all the "goodies" that are there to find ( I did finally clean that out, btw), and dog food and water bowl. Of course, none of these things are toys that we get out for you to play with, but curiosity gets the best of ya! You do enjoy some of your actual toys, though. You like the cookie shapes, your sorting rings and cups, anything that is a toy that you can chew on, your little piano, and the alphabet train. You will still sit in the bouncy chair for me for a little bit. You don't like it at first, but if I ignore wait it out you usually do fine.
You sleep well. You take a 1 1/2 -2 hour nap in the morning (except Mon., Tues., Thurs., ) and then another 2-3 hour nap around 2 pm and you go to bed around 8-8:30 until 7:30ish the next morning.
You are such a fun baby to have around. I look forward to seeing your face every morning and every nap and I love to watch you sleep. You are such a wonderful addition this family. We would be lost without you. I hope that we raise you in a way that is pleasing to the Lord. I pray that God's grace would cover us when we mess up (because we will and we do). I pray that you will always know how deep our love is for you. I pray that we are a tangible expression of God's love and grace to you.
Love you sweet one!
You are such a fun baby to have around. I look forward to seeing your face every morning and every nap and I love to watch you sleep. You are such a wonderful addition this family. We would be lost without you. I hope that we raise you in a way that is pleasing to the Lord. I pray that God's grace would cover us when we mess up (because we will and we do). I pray that you will always know how deep our love is for you. I pray that we are a tangible expression of God's love and grace to you.
Love you sweet one!
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