April 2016
The month of April is over and we have done some fun things this month.
First things first, Sally got some glasses. She likes them sometimes and other times she does not want a thing to do with them. We do not think they are helping her eyes from crossing. We think we will still need to have surgery. We also still patch every other eye each day for 1-2 hours.
These girls love spending time outside. They can't get enough of it. They love to ride their bikes and cars, blow bubbles, swing, slide, race and pick flowers weeds.
Ava and Sally have taken a huge interest in feeding and changing their babies diapers. Sally likes to sit on the couch with me when I am feeding Evie and feed her baby. It is pretty cute.
The girls love to pretend to make dinner in their play kitchen. Taco Soup is one of their favorite dishes. :)
Ava has been learning lots and lots. She knows her letters and sounds, shapes and colors and numbers 1-5. We have been focusing on one letter at a time for a whole week. We have done A, E, I, and O. We work on writing the letter, thinking about other things that start with that sound. We also use dot markers to make the shape, play dough. We play games involving that letter and make a craft with that letter. We also learn a verse for each letter. We also learn a shape and number that week. She loves "school".
Another huge development this month is Evelyn is sleeping 9 hours per night and she soothes herself to sleep. She is such an easy baby!
I love the month of April because it is the beginning of new beginnings. Flowers start to bloom, the sun is warm and inviting, we spend lots of time outside while the weather isn't too hot or too cold. I have always loved this month, but with little ones, it is even better!
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