Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Evelyn Olivia Alford

Evelyn Olivia Alford
February 1, 2016
7:45 am
9 pounds 10.5 ounces
22 inches long 
Evelyn, you are such an extreme blessing to our family.  You have been so calm and laid back and it has been exactly what we needed.  You sleep well at night.  You go right back to sleep after bottles.  You don't seem to have too many moments of fussiness.  I really could not have asked for a sweeter, easier baby.
You were allowed to leave the hospital on February 4, 2016.  We had to stay a few days longer because I had a c-section and that requires a couple extra days at the hospital as I have to recover.  Here you are for the first time in your car seat as we made our way home.
You are a very relaxed baby.  You pretty much sleep any where we put you.  Here you are sleeping in the cradle your great grandfather made for us before he passed away.  He would have loved you.
Those cheeks really were that chunky.  I loved to smooch on them.  And your skin...oh my it was so soft and smooth.  And you smelled so good!
If there is anyone who is  more obsessed with you than your mommy, it would be this big sister, Ava, holding you.  She loves you to pieces.  She is often seen doing just this.  She is very proud and protective of you.  She even bosses me around when it comes to you.  She is your second mommy.  She has been heard telling me to "leave Evie alone," "be gentle", and asking me to go away when she was holding you.

This was when you received your first bath.  You had to wait a whole day for your bath because your blood sugars were a little wonky.  It took us your whole first day and into the next morning to get those regulated.  We just fed you formula and I nursed you and did skin to skin time about an hour before you were to be tested again and that seemed to be the magic trick to get your sugars to regulate.

You also had mild jaundice, but your numbers were not bad and nothing to really be too concerned about. Your 2nd day home, you were already looking like the jaundice was almost completely gone.

You drink about 2-3 ounces throughout the day.  At night you are already going like 4-5 hour stretches, which is AMAZING!!!!!  I have been heard saying I feel more rested with you here than I have the past 10 months of pregnancy.  You were never able to wear newborn clothing because you were born so big.  In fact, you didn't lose much weight when you were born.  You went down to 9 lbs. 6.6 ounces.  By the time we went to your 48 hour visit, you were up to 9 lbs 6.8 ounces.
You are wearing 0-3 month clothing and have been in size one diapers since day one.  Your mama makes big babies.

I have been savoring all the time I have with you as much as I can.  Even if we did want a 4th baby, I really think a 4th c-section would be too risky for me.  It makes me sad that you are my last, but I also have a sense of completeness now that you have joined our family.  I am so happy that I have 3 beautiful, healthy, little girls to love on every day.  I really don't think I could be any more blessed than I am right now.

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