Baby Evie (36 weeks-pregnancy)
How far along? 2 weeks and 2 days
How far to go? 16 days
Due Date: February 6, 2016, but I will have a csection the 1st of Feb.
Baby? about the size of a winter melon. 6.2-9.2 lbs Say what?!?!?!
Maternity Clothes: Still loving maternity leggings, and maternity shirts, when I manage to get out of my pajamas. Use to love wearing my boots but they are not easy to put on.
Stretch Marks: A few showing up lightly on my stomach. Also I have a lot of skin tags!
Pregnancy Symptoms: round ligament pain, lower back and hip pain, middle back pain (probably from carrying these huge boobs around) frequent trips to the bathroom, and trouble sleeping, heartburn/indigestion/gas, heaviness in my lower abdomen, a little more frequent braxton hicks, short of breath, sharp, sporadic pains in the yonder region, feel like I have pulled my groin, numbness in my left leg a lot (mostly the side of my thigh).
Sleeping: I am sleeping ok... I have to turn over every so often because my leg I am lying on will start to hurt and go numb. When I turn over, that is a chore.
Best feeling this week: meeting with friends to celebrate Evelyn.
Movement: I had to do my second set of kick counts with her this week. I started freaking out. Finally, she moved. Since then, she has been pretty active.
Cravings/Aversions: jI like to snack on not great food. I have a hard time eating meals. my stomach just doesn't have room for that. And, not a lot of healthy food sounds good, except some fruit.
Belly Button: almost flesh with my stomach.
What I miss: Having my body back.
What am I looking forward to: I CANNOT WAIT TO HOLD THIS LITTLE GIRL and to have the surgery part of this over with and to see that she is ok and healthy.
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