Wednesday, January 27, 2016

38 weeks pregnancy with Evie

How far along?  38 weeks and 4 days

How far to go?  5 days

Due Date: February 6, 2016, but I will have a csection the 1st of Feb.

Baby?  about the size of a water melon.  6.2-9.2 lbs Say what?!?!?!

Maternity Clothes: Still loving maternity leggings, and maternity shirts, when I manage to get out of my pajamas.  Use to love wearing my boots but they are not easy to put on.  

Stretch Marks: More on my stomach and skin tags

Pregnancy Symptoms:  round ligament pain, lower back and hip pain, middle back pain (probably from carrying these huge boobs around)  frequent trips to the bathroom, and trouble sleeping, heartburn/indigestion/gas, heaviness in my lower abdomen, frequent and sometimes painful braxton hicks, short of breath, sharp, feel like I have pulled my groin, numbness in my left leg a lot (mostly the side of my thigh).

Sleeping:  I am sleeping ok... I have to turn a lot because my leg I am lying on will start to hurt and go numb.  When I turn over, that is a chore.  

Best feeling this week: knowing that we are very near the end of this pregnancy.
Movement:  Evie is pretty active still and her movements are solid.  

Cravings/Aversions: jI like to snack on not great food.  I have a hard time eating meals.  My stomach just doesn't have room for that.  And, not a lot of healthy food sounds good, except some fruit.  

Belly Button: almost flesh with my stomach.  

What I miss:  Having my body back and not worrying about this baby I can't see. 

What am I looking forward to: Being on the other side of this pregnancy and to have surgery over with, to know Evie is ok and that I am recovering well.  

This week I had a doctors appt and I discussed the last appt. with him and my concerns.  He tried to help relieve some of those worries, but wanted me to come in for  a stress test on Thursday.  So, I am doing that tomorrow and hoping the findings are normal and pleasant.  I am so worried about this baby for some reason. Worried that she isn't going to be breathing ok or her blood sugar will be all over the place.  

Friday, January 22, 2016

Evie 37 Weeks pregnant

How far along?  37 weeks and 6 days

How far to go?  10 days

Due Date: February 6, 2016, but I will have a csection the 1st of Feb.

Baby?  about the size of a water melon.  6.2-9.2 lbs Say what?!?!?!

Maternity Clothes: Still loving maternity leggings, and maternity shirts, when I manage to get out of my pajamas.  Use to love wearing my boots but they are not easy to put on.  

Stretch Marks: A few showing up lightly on my stomach.  Also I have a lot of skin tags!

Pregnancy Symptoms:  round ligament pain, lower back and hip pain, middle back pain (probably from carrying these huge boobs around)  frequent trips to the bathroom, and trouble sleeping, heartburn/indigestion/gas, heaviness in my lower abdomen, frequent and sometimes painful braxton hicks, short of breath, sharp, sporadic pains in the yonder region, feel like I have pulled my groin, numbness in my left leg a lot (mostly the side of my thigh).

Sleeping:  I am sleeping ok... I have to turn over every so often because my leg I am lying on will start to hurt and go numb.  When I turn over, that is a chore.  

Best feeling this week:  I will be honest this has been a really hard week for me emotionally.  I can't think back to a time where I just felt great.  

Movement:  Evie is pretty active still and her movements are solid.  

Cravings/Aversions: jI like to snack on not great food.  I have a hard time eating meals.  my stomach just doesn't have room for that.  And, not a lot of healthy food sounds good, except some fruit.  

Belly Button: almost flesh with my stomach.  

What I miss:  Having my body back.  

What am I looking forward to: Feb. 1 after she has come and everything is ok.

This week was not the best week for me as far as pregnancy and emotions go.  I had a horrible doctors appt.  Here is a synopsis of what went on:
I went to a doctor I had never seen bc it was the only time we could get an ultrasound in. My primary OB wanted to check her position. So o went to the Arboretum location. They do the u/s and the technician said she was measuring in at 9.7 lbs give or take half a lb. and that I have a lot of fluid still.
So I go into the room to wait for the doctor. As soon as she walks in she starts talking about the size of the baby. And how she thinks I have had gestational diabetes all this time. I told her I failed the 1 hr( which 50% of women do) and passed the 3 hour with very normal numbers. I did tell her I have been struggling with my diet since after having Ava. She said she wanted to set me up with a dietician and someone to train me on a glucometer. I told her I didn't want to do anything unnecessary since our insurance is basically non existent and we would be paying for all these visits out of pocket.
At that time she proceeds to tell me the risks of having a large baby and one with gestational diabetes. Larger babies can be sent to the NICU bc they can have a hard time breathing and c section babies are already at a disadvantage bc they aren't squeezed through the birth canal to get rid of extra fluid in their lungs. These are risks I already knew.
She also goes on to talk about the higher chances of having a stillborn and says it doesn't take long for a baby not to make it. It was like she was shaming me for not wanting to meet with a dietician and my diet issues.

She never looked at my history of having larger babies or that i am on Zoloft an anti anxiety med dos probably not the best way to inform Me of all this scary info. And she said all this before doing blood work to see if I needed to even be worried about gestational diabetes. They then did my finger prick which came back as a 66 which is great. It's like a fasting glucose. And they did an A1c test which checks your blood sugar over the past three months and that came back normal. So...why not have done all that first before totally freaking me out? Really pissed me off.
I emailed her. She said she wouldn't worry too much ab it. That my results all look fine. I see Dr wicker on Monday who is doing my surgery next Monday. He has done the other 2 csections also. This other doctor wanted me to go for another u/s to check that the baby is practicing breathing. And I have to pay for all these u/s out of pocket. It is ridiculous if it isn't necessary. So I am hoping Wicker can guide me on whether or not we need that. Sorry I just wrote an entire book. Bet you are sorry you asked how I was doing.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Sally 23 Months old


One more month and you will be 2 years old.  You have had a busy month.  We are getting closer and closer to you becoming a big sister.  I am not sure how this transition is going to go. I don't think it is going to be easy.  You can be pretty clingy to me, especially if I am holding another baby or not paying attention to what you are doing.  After nap time is the worst.  You are super clingy and almost impossible to get anything done.

At the beginning of this month, you were napping in the baby's room in the pack and play.  We did this because we needed both you and your sister to take naps during the day.  If we put you there together during the day you would take advantage of the day light and be up talking the whole time.  But, once Ava got her big girl bed, we decided it was time to make this transition at nap time, especially in preparation for the baby.  You guys do decent during this time.  Every day isn't pure bliss.  Sometimes, I have to go up multiple times to tell you two to be quiet and go to sleep.  Some days are much easier because you guys are wiped out.
 This month we took you to the doctor to have your eye looked at.  We had been noticing the right one turning in and it was getting worse and worse.  They diagnosed you with strabismus which in simple terms is a weakened eye muscle.  So, you have to be patched on your good eye to strengthen bad eye muscle for the next six weeks, 2 hours per day.  You didn't like it the first 30 minutes and you still don't like the thought of having to put it on, but once it is on, you deal with it.  I think you are still precious in them! There is a prospect of surgery, but we are really hoping to be able to avoid that.

 You can fit in many of your sisters shirts and some pants.  You wear size 5 diapers.  You have been showing more and more interest in going to the potty.  You want to sit on the little potty every time I go to the bathroom.  You love brushing your teeth by yourself, although your teeth brushing consists of sucking the toothpaste off and chewing on the bristles.  So, I always have to intervene and you HATE that!

You make me laugh constantly.  You have such a fun personality and, boy, are you full of yourself!  You know what you want and will do what you  have to do to get it.  You have gotten rather vicious with your sister.  You push her, hit her, or yell at her if she is bothering you or has something you want.

You have also become more interested in doing art projects when your sister does them.  Here you were painting a piece of paper blue and then when it dried, we peeled off the tape and you had white snowflakes falling in the blue sky.

You LOVE to sing and listen to music.  I think you may have some interest there in the future.  You love to push the baby in her baby stroller, do puzzles, play with the vanity and do our hair.  You prefer to be Miss Independent, but you also do love your fair share of cuddling.  You enjoy bath time and getting your hair dried.  You still love your pacifier, milk, and breakfast bars! I think you would think the world is over if you didn't have those three things.

You do not love eating...which is a shocker.  You don't like being "ignored" after nap when I am trying to get dinner together.  You do not like getting your diaper changed or your clothes changed.

Sally you have begun to love reading books.  Some of your favorites are the ones by Laura Numeroff (If You Give a ....) and you absolutely LOVE Mo Willems' book The Pigeon Wants a Puppy.  You almost have that book memorized.  

You can be super clingy to mommy.  

And you love eating cupcakes.  

You talk a lot.  We don't always know what you are saying, but some of the things you say are:
 Winston ( how it comes out...speech therapy, maybe?)  come on, okay mom, be nice, shhh, be right back, water, daddy work, star, old, cold, mulky, my sit, mine, dark, nack (snack), cookie, hot, Ava, mimi, poppop, potty, paper, table, color, diaper, creme, movie, go sleep, nite nite, banket (blanket) and some others I cannot think of.

You are a piece of work at times, very exhausting.  The other day at my 36 week doctor appt.  you were ticked off over the sticker you got to pick out, you decided to go over to the water area and pour water all over the sides of the water dispenser on to the floor while I was checking in, and threw a fit, flat faced on the floor when we were called back because you didn't want to go.  I told the nurse to keep going and you would be right behind us in a minute..that it was best to just let it play out.  Within 5 seconds, you were up off the floor, walking behind me, waving and smiling at the nurse.  Drama queen!!!!!

Sally, there is so much about you to love.  Your fun personality, your go-getterness, your cuddliness, the excitement you show in the morning when I come to get you, how peaceful you look when you are sleeping, your I-own-the-place walk.  You are very intelligent and already go after what you want.  There is so much you are going to be able to do in this life and I am already so proud of you.  I love you, you spunky little thing!  


Saturday, January 16, 2016

36 Weeks

Baby Evie (36 weeks-pregnancy)

How far along?  2 weeks and 2 days

How far to go?  16 days

Due Date: February 6, 2016, but I will have a csection the 1st of Feb.

Baby?  about the size of a winter melon.  6.2-9.2 lbs Say what?!?!?!

Maternity Clothes: Still loving maternity leggings, and maternity shirts, when I manage to get out of my pajamas.  Use to love wearing my boots but they are not easy to put on.  

Stretch Marks: A few showing up lightly on my stomach.  Also I have a lot of skin tags!

Pregnancy Symptoms:  round ligament pain, lower back and hip pain, middle back pain (probably from carrying these huge boobs around)  frequent trips to the bathroom, and trouble sleeping, heartburn/indigestion/gas, heaviness in my lower abdomen, a little more frequent braxton hicks, short of breath, sharp, sporadic pains in the yonder region, feel like I have pulled my groin, numbness in my left leg a lot (mostly the side of my thigh).

Sleeping:  I am sleeping ok... I have to turn over every so often because my leg I am lying on will start to hurt and go numb.  When I turn over, that is a chore.  

Best feeling this week:  meeting with friends to celebrate Evelyn. 

Movement:  I had to do my second set of kick counts with her this week.  I started freaking out.  Finally, she moved.  Since then, she has been pretty active. 

Cravings/Aversions: jI like to snack on not great food.  I have a hard time eating meals.  my stomach just doesn't have room for that.  And, not a lot of healthy food sounds good, except some fruit.  

Belly Button: almost flesh with my stomach.  

What I miss:  Having my body back.  

What am I looking forward to: I CANNOT WAIT TO HOLD THIS LITTLE GIRL and to have the surgery part of this over with and to see that she is ok and healthy.  

Saturday, January 9, 2016

What's up with Ava- January 2015

 Ava has had quite an eventful month.  We have been playing hard, learning some new things, and becoming a big girl.
 She and her sis love to brush their teeth together.  Mostly, they just love to suck the toothpaste off the toothbrush and chew on the brush.
 Ava was upgraded to her big girl bed.  She has become scared of the dark since we have made this change.  I think some of it is due to the fact that she has nothing surrounding her to make her feel protected and that feels a little scary to her.  She doesn't sleep with a guardrail.  She sleeps in a big girl bed when she is over at her Mimi's house without one.  She doesn't usually have any issues.  She fell out of her bed once, but other than that, she has done well.  Sally really wants to snuggle down in there, too.
 There she is sleeping away, looking so peaceful.
 Ava loves arts and crafts and learning.  She got to paint a paper blue and then we pulled the tape off and it looked like white snowflakes falling in the blue sky.

She really is such a goofy little thing.  
These two are becoming just the best of friends.  It is precious.  I love that they have each other.  I don't think they would know what to do without each other.

It has been fun and funny watching Ava do things that are mimicking me.  She has Sally sit at the little table and she announces when it is meal time.  She is using the kitchen now as an actual place to play instead of just throwing all the kitchen toys around.  Although, she is quite the mess in the kitchen, just like her mommy.  :)

I have been really bad at keeping up with funny things she says.  And, lets be real, she says some funny stuff on a consistent basis.  But some of the things I can recall:

"I have a booger, mommy.  Don't freak out."

While at Target, we were near the bra and underwear section and Ava sees bras.  She says, (very loudly, I might add), "Mommy!  Those are for boo boos...JUST LIKE YOURS!!!!" My mom and sister would both agree and say it is payback!

She is super serious and almost gets offended if you say she is a stink pot or a silly goose.  She is very adamant that, "No, I am Ava!"

Her new favorite movie is Despicable Me.  Her favorite line in the movie is when Gru says, "lightbulb".  She gets a quick out of that!  She has also picked up some very questionable dance moves from Gru.  Why are kids so quick to notice that kind of stuff?

She got to play in the snow.  She  has been wanting to make a snow angel since she saw it done on a Christmas movie we watched.  Finally, her day came to be able to do that.  She also made a very interesting looking snowman with her daddy.
Ava's snow angel

Ava's snowman

Eating snow
Snowball fight!!!
Ava also got to practice her going-to-be-a-big-sister skills with our
friends sweet baby.  

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Monthly Scripture Journaling

I found this idea from Pinterest and wanted to make one of my own.  Of course, now I want to try and create one for each month of the year.

The month of January is a mixture of verses.  There isn't a recurrent theme.  However, I am hoping that as I get more in tune with God's Word, that I can create a theme for each month.  My plan for February is LOVE (go figure)  ðŸ˜‰ Not everything is perfect for this one and it may seem all over the place.  Hopefully, that will get better as themes are included.  

Here is January.  I hope you will join me in doing this.  Have fun and don't forget to be real with yourself. 
Feel free to print and share!



Rd. Is. 46;9
List 3 things God did for you in 2015 and thank Him.
Rd. Phil. 4:13
List 5 things you’d like to accomplish and pray that God will be glorified through all these things.

Rd. Is. 40:8
Find 3 Bible passages that give you hope and memorize them
Rd. 1 Peter 5:8
List 3 areas you need to let God take control of instead of satan. 
Rd. John 14:6
Write down what this means to you.
Rd. John 8:32
What about God’s truth sets you free?
Rd. 1 Thess. 5:16
What are some things you can rejoice over today?
Rd. 1 Thess. 5:19
What are some ways you can allow the Holy Spirit to work in your heart more?
Rd. 2 Timothy 1:7
What are some fears you need to have courage over?

Rd. Ps. 22:19
Think back at this time last year.  How are you stronger?
Rd. Phil. 4
Make a list of 3 areas in your life where you feel content.
Rd. 1 Peter 2:3
What can you thank God for right now?
Rd. Matt. 6:6
Concerning your prayer life, what do you need to work on?
Rd. 1 Thess. 4:7
What areas in your life do you need to bring back to God?
Rd. John 16:5
Where do you feel God leading you?
Rd. Matt. 22:37-40
What are some ways you can reach out and love others?
Rd. 2 Cor. 5:17
What about your past does God need you to let go of?
Rd. Lev. 25:1
Where are you from? Who do you depend on?
Who do you belong to?
Rd. 1 Peter 2:3
Do you spend time with Jesus in private?
How can this be reflected in public?
Rd. 1 Cor. 13:2
What is love? What does love look like to Jesus?
Rd. Is. 41:10
How can your fear stop you from being who God created you to be?
Rd. Col. 1:13
Looking back at hard times, how were those blessings in disguise?
Rd. 2 Chron. 7:14
What does this mean for our nation?
Rd. 1 John 4:19
What does this verse mean to you?
Rd. Ps. 37:4
What is one thing you truly desire? Pray that God will help you and strengthen you as you wait.
Rd. Hab. 3:19
What was the most stressful part of your day today?  Keep this verse in mind. 
Rd. 1 John 2:15
Where is your treasure?
Rd. Heb. 13:1 AMP
How have we as Christians and the body of Christ failed at this?  What can we do differently?
Rd. 1 John 4:18
What does this verse mean to you?
Rd. Rom. 8:28
Find someone who is waiting to encourage.
Rd. Eph. 2:8
What are some ways you can extend God’s grace to other?