One more month and you will be 2 years old. You have had a busy month. We are getting closer and closer to you becoming a big sister. I am not sure how this transition is going to go. I don't think it is going to be easy. You can be pretty clingy to me, especially if I am holding another baby or not paying attention to what you are doing. After nap time is the worst. You are super clingy and almost impossible to get anything done.
At the beginning of this month, you were napping in the baby's room in the pack and play. We did this because we needed both you and your sister to take naps during the day. If we put you there together during the day you would take advantage of the day light and be up talking the whole time. But, once Ava got her big girl bed, we decided it was time to make this transition at nap time, especially in preparation for the baby. You guys do decent during this time. Every day isn't pure bliss. Sometimes, I have to go up multiple times to tell you two to be quiet and go to sleep. Some days are much easier because you guys are wiped out.

This month we took you to the doctor to have your eye looked at. We had been noticing the right one turning in and it was getting worse and worse. They diagnosed you with strabismus which in simple terms is a weakened eye muscle. So, you have to be patched on your good eye to strengthen bad eye muscle for the next six weeks, 2 hours per day. You didn't like it the first 30 minutes and you still don't like the thought of having to put it on, but once it is on, you deal with it. I think you are still precious in them! There is a prospect of surgery, but we are really hoping to be able to avoid that.

You can fit in many of your sisters shirts and some pants. You wear size 5 diapers. You have been showing more and more interest in going to the potty. You want to sit on the little potty every time I go to the bathroom. You love brushing your teeth by yourself, although your teeth brushing consists of sucking the toothpaste off and chewing on the bristles. So, I always have to intervene and you HATE that!
You make me laugh constantly. You have such a fun personality and, boy, are you full of yourself! You know what you want and will do what you have to do to get it. You have gotten rather vicious with your sister. You push her, hit her, or yell at her if she is bothering you or has something you want.

You have also become more interested in doing art projects when your sister does them. Here you were painting a piece of paper blue and then when it dried, we peeled off the tape and you had white snowflakes falling in the blue sky.
You LOVE to sing and listen to music. I think you may have some interest there in the future. You love to push the baby in her baby stroller, do puzzles, play with the vanity and do our hair. You prefer to be Miss Independent, but you also do love your fair share of cuddling. You enjoy bath time and getting your hair dried. You still love your pacifier, milk, and breakfast bars! I think you would think the world is over if you didn't have those three things.
You do not love eating...which is a shocker. You don't like being "ignored" after nap when I am trying to get dinner together. You do not like getting your diaper changed or your clothes changed.

Sally you have begun to love reading books. Some of your favorites are the ones by Laura Numeroff (If You Give a ....) and you absolutely LOVE Mo Willems' book
The Pigeon Wants a Puppy. You almost have that book memorized.

You can be super clingy to mommy.
And you love eating cupcakes.

You talk a lot. We don't always know what you are saying, but some of the things you say are:
Winston ( how it comes out...speech therapy, maybe?) come on, okay mom, be nice, shhh, be right back, water, daddy work, star, old, cold, mulky, my sit, mine, dark, nack (snack), cookie, hot, Ava, mimi, poppop, potty, paper, table, color, diaper, creme, movie, go sleep, nite nite, banket (blanket) and some others I cannot think of.
You are a piece of work at times, very exhausting. The other day at my 36 week doctor appt. you were ticked off over the sticker you got to pick out, you decided to go over to the water area and pour water all over the sides of the water dispenser on to the floor while I was checking in, and threw a fit, flat faced on the floor when we were called back because you didn't want to go. I told the nurse to keep going and you would be right behind us in a minute..that it was best to just let it play out. Within 5 seconds, you were up off the floor, walking behind me, waving and smiling at the nurse. Drama queen!!!!!
Sally, there is so much about you to love. Your fun personality, your go-getterness, your cuddliness, the excitement you show in the morning when I come to get you, how peaceful you look when you are sleeping, your I-own-the-place walk. You are very intelligent and already go after what you want. There is so much you are going to be able to do in this life and I am already so proud of you. I love you, you spunky little thing!