Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Sally Jean 15 months

         I was interested in going back over your first 14 months of life blogs because I wanted to remember you as you were little.  You have changed so much within the past 2 months.  Some of it is great and there are some parts that are a little harder to deal with....

Like your stink eye you give perfectly sweet people and you will continue to glare at them with this look that is hard to describe.

Or, how someone will politely ask you something and you look at them all sweet and then say the meanest sounding no.

Or, how about, last night when we were at your cousin, Maddie's, dance recital and we had to leave early because you were so contrary and cantankerous.  I  was pretty frustrated with you, as I am sure was my mom and sister, who were checking on us as we waited out in the lobby, and the poor dance moms who were desperately trying to watch their little girls dance.  You were even horrible in the lobby and we just had to up and leave.  I hope this behavior can be transferred to the 3, maybe 4, teeth you are growing, but still...

Even with all of this, I still love you.  You are one determined little thing.  I was reading back in your monthly blogs and there was one where I said I had you pegged as the little princess in the family....HA!  I was soooo wrong.  You are a brute.  You will walk, bull doze over anyone in your way.  You have the upper hand when it comes to your sister.

You are in favor of: food and lots of it, naptime, bath time, swinging, playing outside, music, pacifier, and Winston.

You highly dislike: sitting in your carseat, getting diaper changed, getting dressed, being contained, being told no, being manhandled, not getting your way.

Oh Sally, I know that these strong personality traits are ones God has given to you, but I hope that we, as your parents, get God's wisdom and training on how to channel it.  I want nothing more than for you to use those traits for God's glory.  I just hope we don't get in the way of that.  We do love you. SO. MUCH.  Your spunkiness is fun, your meltdowns are tiring, but , you have been and will always be such a great addition to our family and I can't imagine a day without you here.

Love you forever and always!

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