March has been an interesting month! It has been rainy and cold and we have been stuck inside. But the last day of the month was GORGEOUS! We played, played and played. Ava and Sally love the great outdoors and I love being out there with them. Ava likes to ride her little Princess Sophia car around and Sally likes being able to push her push toy around on the sidewalk.
Sally got croup for the second time this year at the end of March. And, inevitably, Ava caught it from her. I know when one gets sick, it is only a matter or time until the other one catches it. It is too difficult to keep 2 little ones away from each other. So, I just wait for it to take over both! Is that bad?
Ava and Sally went to their first Storytimes at the library this month. They seemed to really enjoy it when they weren't distracted with the snacks I had in my bag for them. Of course, Ava didn't let the snacks she was holding in both arms keep her from flying the "kite" or shaking her shakers during the songs.
We have been busy preparing for Disney this month and I have been busy creating and making things for Ava to do during tot school.
Recently, we worked on Noah's Ark. She made a rainbow for God's promise for that story. We worked on the letter G and she made a garbage truck on trash day and a giraffe, and used glitter to decorate the letter G. Sally got to do a couple of the activities too! Ava has also been working on the Very Hungry Caterpillar and she made a Caterpillar with her name, made a caterpillar out of the letter C and decorated it with colored circles numbered 1-10. She played number match with a caterpillar and matched the colored number circles to the caterpillar drawn on the paper. She has also worked on colors, shape matching, and matching puzzle pieces to Brown Bear, Brown Bear.
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