Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Jesus, Emmanuel
Christmas use to be my favorite time of the year. And, so many things about it still are, but as I have become older, I have come to view this time of year as more stressful than it use to be. It is probably mostly due to being older and having more responsibilities, not being prepared and planning ahead well, and just the chaos of this world.
It is so easy to get caught up in the worldly reasons we celebrate the Christmas holiday. The presents, the endless displays of materialism on TV, and the multitude of ideas on Pinterest that make you feel like such a slacker and discontent. Or, maybe it is just me struggling with these things. But in a country and world who fails to recognize the actual reason for the season and who wants to take Him out of everything it is hard to stay focused.
I want to bring Christ back into Christmas. I want my children to understand that there is more to this time of year than baking goodies, decorating the house and getting presents. I want them to understand that Christ came as a baby. God became a baby boy. He came to this world knowing He would die for the very people who ignore Him. He left His throne and was laid in a manger. He abandoned His home in heaven to live in a world of sadness, sin, and despair. He was great but became the least-a little baby. He is Noel, Jesus, Emmanuel. And He came here. Mary got to stare into His eyes, the eyes of our Savior, King and creator. He changed the world more than anyone ever has. He had tiny little hands that would one day be stretched out to save all of us. He is God with us, Emmanuel. He went home to prepare a place for us, leaving behind His Spirit and giving us a joyful countenance.
I hope that for the rest of this season and for years to come, I can keep Jesus in the center of it all.
There is too much going on in our world today and we need Him now more than ever. Everything and everyone around us is falling apart. We ignore Him, the only true Peace, the one True joy.
Jesus, Thank you for coming to this world. We are so undeserving of Your love and provision. You left everything good to come here. Thank you. Thank you for stretching out your hands and being nailed to a cross for me, my husband, my children, my family, my friends, and for every person who will ever live. Forgive me when I ignore You and keep my mind focused on the peace and joy only You can provide. Help me to remember that if I am looking for happiness in a bigger, better home, things, and people I will never find it. The only true place where I will find happiness is in a deep relationship with You.
Merry Christmas!!!!!!
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