4 more months...4 more months, sweet girl and you will have completed your first year. I can't even believe it...I wish I could keep you little forever. You have been such a sweet, good baby. I want to freeze time and keep you like this always...
You are the cuddliest, most content, sweetest thing I know. I know you are little and it is hard to tell right now, but there is something really special and undeniably sweet about you. You are such a joy to have around.
I look at the way your sister looks at you, and there is so much love there. She just adores you. I think you adore her, too, but you wish she would let you be, sometimes. Believe me, I get it. She is relentless when it comes to you. She comes to me all the time saying, "hold it." I always correct her saying, "You mean, hold HER?" She just smothers you with love (literally).
You are officially sitting up on your own and you are so stinking close to crawling...noooooooo! My baby is disappearing right before my eyes. You move your knees and then plop and each time you do that you scoot a little further up. It is your main mode of transportation. You are also rolling over both ways. You are not really into the bottles anymore and it's killing me. I am so scared you aren't getting enough nutrients. You have taken more of a liking to actual food, though. You can soothe yourself to sleep (most of the time) and you know how to scout out your pacifier and put it in your mouth if you want it.
You love to play with toys and really observe the toys you are playing with. I know you are my child, but you seem very intelligent. Sometimes I think you are trying to wave, but I am not sure.
You are wearing mostly 6-9 month clothing. You aren't a fan of leaving your headbands on...that's ok. You love to dance with us, bounce in your seats, and be sung to. Your feet are always moving, which makes me guess that you are going to be all over the place!
You can now sit and splash with your sister in the bathtub. You two have a grand 'ol time!
You have gotten to go to 3 pumpkin patches and play with lots of friends.
Sally, there are so many things I want to teach you in the few years that you are under my care. It is quite overwhelming when I think of everything you need to know and understand. But, honestly, the one thing I want you to know most is that you are so special to God and He loves you and created you to be who He made you to be, not what others think you need to be. I want to teach you to love Him with everything you have and to never let go of His hand or stop living within His will. Never say no to Him, but be obedient to Him. He loves you so and has great things planned for you...Jeremiah 29:11. I love you more than you will ever know....
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